dream dismantling, animal sociology, gardening, panoramic photography, sociology, found objects, records, fruit markets, homemade records, geography, maps, optigans, space, escapism, earth escapism, weather balloons, rockets, cactus fruits, bigfoot, lunar exploration, the 248 dimensions of E8, creative graffiti, exotic fruits, girls from bahia, theremins, nessie, hydroponics, plant genetics, nigersaurus, globes, distant tropical lands, gigantic anything, miniature anything, "bob", good pain, telescopes, D.I.Y., south america, exploring, discovering...food...
people who think in metaphors.
this week....
past 2 years....
dünyayi kurtaran adam, 2001 a space odyssey, dolomite, big lebowski, the life aquatic with steve zissou, barbarella, switchblade sisters, planet terror, kill bill, vacation, pulp fiction, mondo bizarro, fight for your life, plan b, smokey & the bandit, starman, motorcycle diaries, the geek, something weird videos....
youtube.com, arrested development, sarah silverman program, andy dick, magnum pi, office, wonder showzen, flight of the conchords, strangers with candy, TLC, NGC, THC...
dick proenneke, lucia pamela