Literature, Writing, Ipod, reading, walking, Internet, computers -MAC-, history, medicine, nature, Scriptures, knowledge, theology, communication, travelling (when my passport authorizes it to me), movies, dvd, dreams, skype.
Ecrivains, scenarists, createurs de bandes dessinées, tatoo artistes, editeurs. Je desire établir contact avec des auteurs du monde entier. Mais aussi, musiciens, chanteurs, Djs, peintres, sculpteurs, photographes, medecins, chirurgiens et plus!Writers, scenarists, comics createurs, tatoo artists, editors. I wish to meet writers from all over the globe. And, also, musicians, singers, Dj's, painters, sculptors, photographers, doctors and many more!
R'n'R, electro, punk-rock, brit-pop, metal, house, classical, techno, very real hip-hop (not much left), soundtracks, gregorian, chamber, gospel, Celt music, bagpipes, deep, blues...
Banzaï with Coluche. Best movie ever seen.
Voyage, BBC world, escale, rtl 9, euronews, planet, watching dvds and No TV.