people that know me think im too loud, people that dont know me think im quiet and shy. i hate wearing socks. i procrastinate a lot. apparently i talk a good show because people usually think i know what im doing in life. my best friends are my family, and my dog is my little girl. she has chocolate chip cookie feet and contrary to popular belief, she is not asian. im convinced that weiner dogs named peanut are french. I watch a lot of movies, i rarely watch tv. Im obsessed with whats going on in the football world everyday. I once was a law student, i once again will be a law student and later a law grad.. then i think i'll go be a garbage man in wyoming. my favorite big city is minneapolis. i just moved to chicago. the only place i have ever felt at home is marquette, mi. i can drink mass quantities of alcohol and still convince people im sober.. Sometimes when i am sober people think i must be hammered. my favorite animal is the tiger. i have been in the paper, on the radio, on tv, and walked the red carpet in hollywood. im the type of person who sees a celebrity and gives a "whats up nod" instead of running up and humping their leg. when i was in 6th grade ray nitchke spent 2 hours bullshitting with me about football and life. its funny, we all hope to be old someday but how many of us actually respect old people.. how many of us take a few minutes to let them tell a story, even if we've heard it a thousand times before... thats all they want is somebody to listen. if i get married, i want it to be the world's shortest ceremony ever and for it to be on the beach.. i expect drunk people everywhere within an hour. when i die i want to die like the really old guy on "grumpy old men." fishing by myself with a beer and a cigar basking in the the glory of peace and tranquility provided by the wilderness on some lake somewhere.