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Book: SHUT UP! AN ANCIENT MANTRA FOR COMPLETE HAPPINESS! The Simple Truth Your Guru, Therapist and G

About Me

BOOK AT: http://bookstore.artofliving.org/ProductDetails_H.aspx?Categ oryID=14&SubCatID=0&selection=0&productID=901(IN FORMATION & music DOWNLOADS AT www.DVORAHJI.com) FINAL GUIDE FOR THE SPIRITUALLY CHALLANGED & CONFUSED! "Dvorah's book is Beautiful, lovely... Dvorah put fun & knowledge together... Vasistha in modern times..Sri Sri Ravi Shankar" ......... I'm here to tell you the good news! We're all family, totally connected to each other and everything else (whether we like it or not) in a most unimaginable mind-blowing simple, closer then your breath, Way. Truly unimaginable! Enlightenment??? Ridiculous, completely misunderstood! Don't waste another second on it - JUST BE HAPPY, as happy as you can and leave the rest to God, Consciousness, the Way, or my darling Sri Sri! Relax, don't be afraid, it's all exactly as it can only be. Rejoice, Be mischievious, have FUN! Love Dvorah .......I'm a happy/miserable/outspoken/idiotically creative/spiritually-educated/ city hermit Clown. One day (38-years-ago) I woke up and everything looked different. I walked to a park, looked up at the trees and sky -- and they were vibrating, sparkling, as was everything and everyone, including me. Things were not as they appeared to be. We were not solid. Everything blended. The Trees, the rocks, the people, my hand, we were all vibrating in unison. We were all ONE.I went back to the apartment I was staying, and noticed a book on table. It was by Allan Watts called, "This Is It!" I took the next plane home to Los Angeles and learned to meditate. Meditation was my path. I became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation. I wanted to know what was real and fair in a world that seemed so unreal and so unfair. For me the ticket was looking inside this body and mind -- where else could I go for answers?I meditated for 30 years, teaching meditation all over the world. I Studied with some of the greatest Masters and Madmen -- and still knew nothing. I talked the Advaita talk and cried the Bhakti prayer and had the usual spiritual answers about past lives, energy, consciousness etc. I had the rhetoric down. But I "knew" nothing. This may have been "It" according to Allan Watts, but I wasn't IT!And then, one day, a rainbow shinning through a window landed on top of my hand. I looked at all the colors - mesmerized in amazement. "How could something so unreal, look so real?" It looked as if true colors were painted on my hand, and yet it was only a reflection. I felt a switch go off in my brain. This world is not as it appears to be. The ONENESS I'd experienced in Haight-Ashbury came flooding back. This division, this unhappiness in myself and others, was like a mass hypnosis, an illusion, like the rainbow shinning on my hand.All I can say, is there is deep peace in the middle of this world that appears to be so chaotic, uncaring and random. There is deep knowledge that you can ONLY BE, and sounds so ridiculous and trite when you talk about it. Anyone Can Wake Up to their True Peaceful Enlightened Nature in the midst of heartbreak and confusion. That Possibility, that Invitation exists for Everyone.SHUT UP AND BE HAPPY! An Ancient Mantra Music Video LIFE IS AWESOMELY MEANINGLESS!! MUSIC VIDEOSri Sri & Dvorahji "THE AWAKENING!!" THE BREAKTRHOUGH INTERVIEWS-THE AWAKENING!! #2ASK DVORAHJI: WHEN WILL I GET ENLIGHTENED?ASK DVORAHJI: WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?ASk Dvorahji: BAD VS. GOOD THOUGHTS!" Ask Dvorahji: VEGETARIAN OR NOT???Ask Dvorahji: CELEBACY VS. DESIREAsk Dvorahji: WHERE IS MY SOULMATE?Ask Dvorahji: WHY DO I MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES?Ask Dvorahji: WHAT THE PURPOSE OF LIFE?ASK DVORAHJI: DO I HAVE FREE WILL?ASK DVORAHJI: WHY CAN'T I BE MORE GRATEFUL?ASK DVORAHJI: WHY DO I NEED A GURU?ASK DVORALHJI: WHY CAN'T I STOP SABOTAGING MYSELF?ASK DVORAHJI: WHAT IS MY DHARMA?ASK DVORAHJI : WHAT ARE THOUGHTS AND FEELING?ASK DVORAHJI: WHAT'S THIS THING CALLED LOVE?

My Interests


Art of Living Bookstore (MUSIC DOWLOADS WWW.DVORAHJI.COM)Awakening seems to happen at the strangest times - completely unexpected. One minute you're a challenged & confused, sometimes miserable spiritual seeker; and the next minute you're Awake, Free, At home, Fearless, Completely Open to the uncertainty and challenges in life, not caring whether you live or die.Awakening is not judgemental. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, what you think or what you ate that day!!! Awakening is an open invitation to EVERYONE - the bad, the good, the beautiful, the sweet, the sour, the sacred, the sinner, EVERYONE. Your life and how you live it, has nothing to do with AWAKENING.AWAKENING is a natural occurance in life , in the same way that an apple develops from seed to fruit. And YOU like an apple are ripe, ready one day; and natually AWAKE to Yourself, your Nature. Now I know for most struggling spiritual seekers and those yearning for truth, it's a tough "out of control" concept to swallow but what can I say? The path is an apple and enlightenment is an orange. Two completely different elements/happenings.The enlightened aren't actually any different than the unenlightened. Both ARE thier "Enlightened Natures" (you could say that everything and everyone is ENLIGHTENMENT). However the enlightened accept and are at peace with their circumstances in life and everyone/everything elses: While the unenlightened are always questioning doubting and in turmoil over their lot in life and the world's. It's not that the Enlightened have any answers necessarily, it's just that they're finally at Peace. They sing a song of freedom even when their heart is breaking. A strange impossible contradiction to the ordinary mind.Some people Wake Up and they become Big Gurus, or Guides with sweet voices and kind gestures and only talk about love and bliss and making happy. They perform miracles, levitate, dissappear, bless you, offer solutions, or heal with the wave of a flower. Others remain exactly as they are: hoursewives, CEOs, children, prisoners, chefs, policemen etc.Being Awake takes many forms, and for some reason more people are waking up to their TRUE SELF, THEIR VERY NATURE than ever before and I don't know why, except that it's their time. People have all sorts of concept and fantasies about Enlightenment or self-realization - but from my stance - it's just about being completely natural, completely yourself. Can you lose it? Does it (realization) come or go depending on what you eat, feel, say, or do? Are there levels to realization, a kind of growth and development?All I can say is how can you lose your nature? It's impossible! Wherever you go - your Nature is there! It's IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE YOUR NATURE, IMPOSSIBLE!. There is a perception among many New Age people that enlightenment takes a disciplined step by step path and you need to work at it. However when you WAKE UP all you can say is, "What a joke!!" You see your struggle has been ridiculous, and you begin to relax, have some fun or not, and stop this meaningless search for freedomFreedom is your Nature - and all your so-called boundries become your play arena. You cry and scream and laugh and get bored and twitch with anger - but like a cloud it passes over the "free open sky" and Freedom ALWAYS remains and is ALWAYS there, Being you, Being everything. That's why you don't take yourself, your opinions or transgression toward yourself or others very seriously and forgive yourself and others naturally. All is accepted, loved, forgiven in the light of FreedomYou realize that your discipline, meditation, service, friendliness, good deeds, have brought you families, friends, cool spiritual experiences, admiration, love, happiness, health etc - but none of it ever brought you SELF REALIZATION. That was always a natural Surprise - a gift, a Happening! And it only happened when it was Time. "IT" doesn't care if you've meditated for an hour or 40 years. IT doesn't care if you were kind that day or threw a tantrum. When it's time - You are Ready, whether you like it or NOT!An orange falls on your head and BINGO you're AWAKE and you never fall asleep again: But dreaming??? Well that's another story - Much Love to you, Dvorah





My Blog


Hello Dvorah, you seem to be in a very lucky minority, in that you are apparently in a continual state of meditation and hold the perspective of enlightenment constantly.Quite some feat for the averag...
Posted by WWW.DVORAHJI.COM on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 02:56:00 PST


http://blog.dvorahji.comI came to the United States on the General Moore, a ship that landed in New York Harbor 57 years ago. My father held me on his shoulders so I could see the Statue of Liberty ho...
Posted by WWW.DVORAHJI.COM on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:54:00 PST