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Live life without any regrets :@)

About Me

Hi, I am 24 yrs. I am a college student. I enjoy making new friends. I was born in the Dominican Republic and then I moved to NYC. However, I consider myself as an international person, I am a citizen of the WORLD. I love music, sports, languages, and learning about everything in general. I love to observe nature at its best whenever I can and I love taking pictures whether they are at people, places or things. My favorite color is blue :@) If you have any questions, please do not be afraid to ask. :) keep in touch and I will leave you with this Powerful and Strong quote, which is one of my favorite, "[quoting Marianne Williamson] Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."-Akeela and the Bee :)I could fall in love with you .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

Some of my interests are: MUSIC, LANGUAGES, SPORTS, LEARNING in general, and taking pictures. I also like to dedicate time to my violin as well as the violoncello. I enjoy watching T.V. going to the Movies and Rollerblading. I love watching the sunsets, and the clouds go by, relaxing and just....enjoying the moment.I also love teaching. I am very spontaneous.....and I can do anything I set my mind into. :)

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet a lot of interesting, fun, and easy going people, who have their feet well planted on the ground. YOU in particular....:) ::wink, wink:: Cool people who are down to earth and cool to hang out with; People who speaks different languages, coming from different countries, having different backgrounds. There are No exeptions, no requierements to be my friend :) Just be yourself! :) That's all it counts!


I anjoy all type of musics from A to Z and everything in between, with the exception of some heavy metal rock, techno and a few others that because of the loud sounds at once, my ears cannot handle them, I wish I could though... I love dancing. Music is like the oxygen I breathe to keep me alive; it flows on my blood and my heart beats dances to its own rhythm. Without music, things could be really bad. :)


My Siblings and Me Just Sister :) just little Bro :) T & L Siter and Our favorite Cus T_T L, G, A, S, G L and A


I enjoy watching the following: Discovery Channel, Inuyasha, Will and Grace, I Love Lucy, The Three Stooges, The Cosby Show, Friends, QAF, L-WORD, Chrono Crusaders, The News in different Languages, etc...


One of my favorite books is "Il Canzoniere di Petrarca" (Italian). Is all about love for a person and all is rhymed from beginning to the end. {p.s. translations are not so good because the meaning gets lost when is translated, read it in the original language if you can so that you could get a SHOCKING EXPEREINCE!!!!} :) Another book, "BLESS ME ULTIMA" by Rodolfo Anaya.Another Book I like is "?e?aµe???" that is Decameron, by Giovanni Boccaccio. It is fun and interesting. :)


Well, I have many heroes in my life, but today I have decided to select those who are similar to me, at my level; they are my friends, my closest firends: My best female and my best male friend. My best female friend Rosanna (From Italy). Her entire life is a lesson to me. I admired her a lot for who she is and for what she has to offer to others. My other hero is my best male friend David (Also from Italy). Vi voglio tanto tanto tantissimo bene, e lo sapete! :) I have not forgotten about those special people in my life, those who have made a difusion of the Greek Language across Italy as well as those who have who have shaped and marked my life....Till next time we meet up again.... Rosanna y Yo :) D, V,L and C. Friends for Ever! :)Amici per Sempre! L, D, K, C, V Io vi manco tantissimo! :( R, Rosy, & L. L, R, & V :)Some of my other heroes are ATHLETES, MUSICIANS, AND ARTISTS in general. They represent role models for everyone. :)