education, music, writing, music, hip hop, music, history, music, psycho/sociology, music, justice. plus good drugs. not to mention music .....
bill hicks
i'm sayin, you should try it
V for Vendetta, Hearts and Minds in Vietnam, Do the Right Thing, The Beat, The Big Lebowski, Children of Men, Idiocracy
the simpsons, futurama, the colbert report, king of the hill, arrested development, curb yo enthusiasm. commercials should be outlawed! i'm seriously
if you haven't read The Autobiography of Malcolm X you are in dereliction of duty as a human. also the War Prayer by Mark Twain. it's not a book, in fact you can READ IT HERE . Like you've got anything better to do if you're reading this...seriously, read it or i will punch you!!George Orwell, Russell Means, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Derrick Jensen, Ward Churchill, Kembrew McLeod, Howard Zinn, Ken Kesey, Saul D. Alinsky, Cornel West, Al Franken, John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton, Mark Salzman....the daily show's America:the book is quite entertaining
those who have fought for the benefit of all others before that of themself