Aardman Animation, Blues, Bob's Big Boy, Bowie, Buildering, Catatonia, Chihuly, Chuck Jones Cartoons, Cults, Depression, Diner Food, Documentary, Drawing, Editing, Escapism, Fetishism, Fingerpicking, Guitar, Gouda, Hoaxes, Idiosyncrasies, Imitation, Japanese Prints, John Lee Hooker, Keef, Kurosawa, Laughter, Leanord freakin Cohen, Loners, Mind-control, Monkeys, Mucha, Night, Omens, Paris (the city), Phillippe's French Dip, Quiet, Revolvers, Ricky Jay, Sideshow Art, Sony Mini-Cassettecorder, Speech impediments, Sushi, T-shirts du rock, Tom Waits, Voyeurism, Whippets (dogs!), Winsor McCay, X-rated, Yaks, Zankou Chicken.
You know who you are.
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I don't really watch movies much. The new PT Anderson movie looks like shit. I thought the new Coen movie was brilliant. If I have to: Midnight Cowboy, Cocksucker Blues, Spinal Tap, The Producers, Young Frankenstein, Eraserhead, Boogie Nights, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, F for Fake, Being There, Harold and Maude, 8 1/2, Lebowski, Kurosawa, Cassavetes, Eames films, Gondry, Nick Park. Right now I'm thinking that One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the best movie ever made. Or maybe Nashville.
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Recent reads: The Lives of John Lennon, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Careless Love, Junky, Various Positions, The Mayor of McDougal Street, Roughing It, Our Band Could Be Your Life, Last Train to Memphis, Shakey, Pimp, Exile on Main Street, Possible Side Effects, The Secret Agent, What to Listen for in Music, Evguenie Sokolov, Heart of Darkness, The Family (manson), Kon-Tiki, Magical Thinking, Jung, Running With Scissors, Please Kill Me, The Nazi Doctors, Exterminator!, Naked Lunch, The Favorite Game, Lenny Bruce's autobiography.
Keef, Leonard, Tom, Dan Auerbach, John Lee Hooker, The Carter Family, Isabella Rossellini, Madeline Kahn