Sink profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

" As a photographer of staged work when I lie, I am closer to the truth than documentary photography." ______ Gallery ..click_____________________________________________________ ________ _________________ ...... Artist, photographer, curator, teacher. Art i like the most sells the least. I am passion driven. I enjoy helping people. I love women .. strong women. I love building and starting things. i'm a professional skier, X bicycle racer... love wilderness trips. I like gardening, sticking my fingers in the earth when i'm under pressure... In all aspects of my life I like to bring things right up to the edge. I don't keep a safety margin. People tell me I have social terets, speaking before I think. I believe in chance. Letting go to chance. I believe much of art, science and life are founded by chance, more then anyone wants to admit. I try to really let chance happen but it is very hard. We live in a fail safe world. We are all programmed now. I try to teach my students how to let go and fail ..take a chance and try not to be afraid to fail. Above all I believe in honesty and truth , its free, and its one of the highest virtues one can gain in this short site my blog my great grand fathers blog my month of photography blog flicker myspace youtube linked in noknock lomo diana + festival of light thesight my bistro my friends

My Interests

Art, Making Art, Curating Art. Chasing beauty. Photographing beauty... My Portfolio needs serious updating ... soon soon soon. Or flickr stuff

I'd like to meet:

Unique, inspiring and driven people. Artists with work that makes me cry, or at least weak in the knees and shivers up my back. And please ... someone that wants support our new contemporary art museum ... MCA/ ... and people that want to buy art from my gallery...... ............................................................ ............................................................ .............


Depends what time of the day or night or where i am. I love the female voice in songs, House high, Trance while at Burning Man, Classical in the car by myself. Tuesday night with dj K-nee, Rolling stones and drinking whisky, Moldy Peaches late at night when everyone is messed up.The Czars when i'm meepy.


I collect books so its hard to say... Polly Borland's The Babies, 101 Useless Inventions. The Rise of Creative Class, Books on the nude .. Jack Kerouac, Francisca Woodman's monographs, the bio of Peter the Great...all moved me greatly. Recently i have been into books about people, art and events that general history forgot about. Lots of technical manuals trying keep up with this over hyped run-away digital train.This is the last several months from Amazon: Loretta Lux. The Art of Frederick Sommer : Photography, Drawing, Collage. The Valley Larry Sultan. Rineke Dijkstra Portraits: Retrospective, Kiki's Memoirs by Kiki; Hemingway, Ernest; Foujita; Ray, Man; Putnam, Samuel... The Lost Drawings by Poulton, Tom. Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters... David Hockney. Vermeer's Camera: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Masterpieces. Western Rider: Views from a Car Window


Andy Warhol, Bums because they have the least enviromental impact of anyone.

My Blog

Evelyn Nesbit, the American Eve ...
Posted by Sink on Tue, 06 May 2008 08:14:00 PST

Chelsea Hotel

Celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Chelsea Hotel "Chelsea Hotel Through the Eyes of Photographers" Curated by Linda Troeller and David Elder Friday May 9 noon to 6pm General Opening 6-8pm .......
Posted by Sink on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:06:00 PST

Andy Warhol talk

Andy Warhol Reading Group Lecture Series mondaymay5 7pm: MY (untold) stories, a lecture with Mark Sink Local photographer, Mark Sink experienced The Factory in its active years. Come hear Sink share...
Posted by Sink on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:01:00 PST

Want to go to China ?

From my great artist friend Susanne Junker-:Dear friends, I proudly announce the opening of stageBACK gallery, a space from an artist for artists in Shanghai, China. We had our 0 opening last saturd...
Posted by Sink on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:54:00 PST

Photo Spring

Westword"Denver's Month of Photography ended weeks ago, but many of the exhibits are still up and running. So maybe the highly successful March event should have been called the "Season of Photography...
Posted by Sink on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

A round up of my daily blogs

my my my great grand fathers my month of photography
Posted by Sink on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:17:00 PST


I am really proud of my little MOP of Photography - March 2008FOR A COMPLETE LIST A- ZPLEASE VISIT :'S A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE: A Mont...
Posted by Sink on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:27:00 PST

New project .. RedLine Studios for Artists.

If your an artist looking for studio space keep you eye and ears on this one.
Posted by Sink on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:05:00 PST

Merry Christmas

Thank you Alli
Posted by Sink on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 10:50:00 PST

Bikes helping the world part 2

I am posting this again for they are gaining great momentum.World Bicycle Relief is a stunningly simple idea. HOPE, LOSS, AND BICYCLES IN ZAMBIA: NBC NEWSWorld Bicycle Relief had the unique opportuni...
Posted by Sink on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:32:00 PST