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I am here for Friends

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile GeneratorHi! welcome to my newly updated page!!!for anyone who doesn't actally know me, I'm a parent and I also work part time doing random stuff. I live with my partner of 5 years Tony (we share the same birthday..) and our 3 year old daughter Sofia. I keep pretty busy, but in my spare time I like to do latin dance aerobics (when I can) and go to the beach. I grew up in Auckland. My first pet was a chicken named Mohawk. I've had lots of frogs, a goat, lots of cats and a couple of dogs, now I have tropical fish and they're the most annoying pets I have ever had especially the siamese fighting fish .gah.. I used to work many hours in a nightclub and did work as a tv extra and was a zoo volunteer. I like tattoos and would like some more soon. I like coffee.

My Interests

Arty stuff- painting, photography etc. music, latin dancing, aerobics, yosakoi, making stuff, psychology, watching Tony fighting, snorkelling, shoes, growing veges in my vege garden, digging random holes in the backyard etc. I do a lot of sewing, I love cooking. . I like cooking classes, my last one i went to was traditional Thai (when I was 5 months pregnant (how long ago was that??)). I like travelling (so far I've been to the USA, Canada, Hawaii, Australia & Japan) One of my goals for the coming year is to take heaps of different classes and learn lots of useful new skills, maybe another language, maybe belly dancing or something out of it like that. maybe african cooking.

I'd like to meet:

I'm in Eastern Europe - Bulgaria, Greece etc. I'll be keeping a regular travel blog with heaps of photos!


I like a lot of different music - lots of Metal, some hip hop, a bit of latin music, some jazz. I'm not going to limit myself (:dawn of azazel, cannibal corpse, morbid angel, forced to submit, cryptopsy, nile, immolation, ulcerate, promise of bloodshed, vital remains,incantation, and deeds of flesh, cystic dysentry, m.o.p, mobb deep, m.m.o. GZA, La the darkman, alchemist, spider loc, snoop dogg, wu tang etc, benny benassi, led zep, motley crue, slayer, pantera, down, el gran combo, perez prado, black sabbath, yngwie malmsteen, joe satriani, dean martin, frank sinatra, al green, barry white, ken hirai, the list goes on.....


I really liked 28 days later, the new texas chainsaw massacre (and the old ones too), Identity, labyrinth, freddy got fingered, white chicks ( I laughed my f**ken ass off), the new dawn of the dead movie, the omen movies, the exorcist, the butterfly effect, donnie darko, Amelie, scarface, goodfellas, once upon a time in china, hero, shogun assasin. sawI and sawII. shaun of the dead, kung fu hustle, beautiful boxer, city of god, Battle Royal, Kill Bill I&II, the story of Ricky (but only because the gore is so unbelievable and the special effects are so crap it's funny), Borat, Black Cat White Cat, the hostel, 300.I have not seen ET, Romeo and Juliet, or Titanic.My Greece Slideshow


I like heroes, grey's anatomy is good, ugly betty, csi, desperate housewives and the Sopranos except when there's too much talky-talky dr melphi stuff and no hits etc. oh oh and Fashion Tv


I actually read a lot, I like Thomas harris, John Grisham, Mario Puzzo, and really like reading Patricia Cornwell books, they're so hard to put down. also this criminal profiler John Douglas has written a couple of books that have been quite good. I read readers digest... I usually get out heaps from the library, mostly books on how to make stuff (if I was bigger I'd be a builder although I managed to make a 2m long book shelf when I was pregnant), and gardening books etc. I'm a bit of a namby-pamby Martha Stewart type like that.


I have plenty of great friends and I think they're all pretty choice. Luckily for me I've met lots of talented, strong, kind hearted, compassionate, intelligent and artistic people who have inspired me and still do inspire me in so many different ways.A small selection of my Bulgaria photos!

My Blog

Bulgarian wedding

On Saturday we went to a traditional Bulgarian Wedding. I hadn't slept the night before so was really tired and mentally/emotionally and somewhat physically off balance. So when we arrived at the groo...
Posted by Vanessa on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:04:00 PST

Bulgaria blog 3

Hi!!! see my big wave? it's for my friends who I'm missing lots and am feeling home-sick for, and to say hi to everyone else too (: The weather has been horrendous for days and we haven't been able to...
Posted by Vanessa on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:32:00 PST

Bulgaria - Sandanski and the to Greece

On Thursday we were still in Sandanski in Southern Bulgaria&.Sofia was sick so Tony & I went down and bought her a couple of Barbie dolls, one of the 12 dancing princesses and another smaller one....
Posted by Vanessa on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:09:00 PST

Bulgaria - Sofia, Sandanski & Melnik

a very basic map of bulgariaOur next stop was Germany after Singapore where I bought some Vodka at the bookstore, saw people smoking in the airport (which is normal) then caught this tiny little plane...
Posted by Vanessa on Wed, 16 May 2007 05:56:00 PST


so anyways, after a 10 hour flight we've made it to singapore and I'm waiting to get on a connecting flight to frankfurt... then onto vienna....then another flight from there to Sofia where we then dr...
Posted by Vanessa on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:01:00 PST

hi!! and bye!!

helloI had an eventful weekend, drank a bit much too much absolut...anyways, on Sunday Sofia had her athletics club prizegiving which was really cute.Her name was the first name called out, she got th...
Posted by Vanessa on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:05:00 PST

embarrassing moments...

so the other day, I txted a few people and asked them if they would kindly share most embarrassing moments.. and a few people sent some great replies...I can't remember exactly what it was that made m...
Posted by Vanessa on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:29:00 PST

interviews - Jaala

this interview is with my friend Jaala, we went to metro together (o: she's have an interesting name, where does it come from and what does it mean? Umm, I was told it was aboriginal at first...
Posted by Vanessa on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:03:00 PST

Sof's 3rd Birthday

Today was Sof's 3rd birthday, she had a little party at the playgroup and had about a dozen of her friends there to celebrate!I spent quite a bit of yesterday baking, sof wanted a green pig cake, I as...
Posted by Vanessa on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:56:00 PST

busy weeks

I'm taking a short break from baking sofia's party food to put up some cutesy photos of Sof (o:over the last week, I've mostly been working, organising the birthday party and getting stuff together fo...
Posted by Vanessa on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:23:00 PST