Nudity, Strong Language, Adult Situations, Mature Themes, Violence, Sexual Content, All-Night Parties, Reading trashy Magazines, Watching Bad Television, Gossip, Pornography, Happy Hours, Cocktail Parties, Opening Nights, Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Gala Extraveganzas
I'd like to meet people who are tolerant, forgiving and very generous. Someone who doesn't say "no" or "maybe", 'cuz I don't take that as a proper answer. Lack of self-esteem or respect is always a plus as well. Most of all, I want to meet someone who has money. Because poverty is so boring and ugly.
Music To Fuck To
Anything by Russ Meyer, Radley Metzger or Paul Verhoeven, The Devils, Jigsaw, Dirty Mary/Crazy Larry, Big Bad Mama, Bonnie & Clyde, Chainsaw Hookers, Rockin' With Seka, Peachfuzz
Anything on the CW or Lifetime (especially movies about incest), Hart to Hart, Joanie Loves Chachi, Maude, The Dukes of Hazzard, Models Inc., Meerkat Manor, Charlie's Angels, Sabado Gigante, Workout
Comic Books, Porn, Anything by Mary McCarthy, JAcqueline Susann or Jane Austen (except Mansfield Park)
Nelson Mandela, Bruce Lee, Eleanor Roosevelt, Tanya Harding, Tipper Gore, Johnny Harden, Jimmy Carter, Malcolm X, King Paul, David Ben-Gurion, Chulalongkorn, Joseph