Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet profile picture

Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet

oh my boy, he takes good care of me &hearts img src=

About Me

My Comment Box
Millie, you are ace. or something similar:
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Hi, I'm Millie :) I've also been known as miriam, mish, mirlou, louise, lou, louby, boob, milee, mills, millie moo, millie maloo, milli vanilli, mil mol, mil, and mish mash monkey noodle.I'm at Newcastle University studying music at the moment. missing leeds a load :( but i love newcastle!

I love my friends,
I love music,
I love my family,
I love the WC Folk,

there's also a load of other stuff i love.

i love it when people discover something about me that i didnt even know myself :) you'll know if you're one of those people.

My Interests

All aspects of music, woodcraft, camping, personalities, going to gigs, learning instruments, new talent, shopping, music technology, art, travelling, originality, film, culture, the world, love, the past, the future, people, nature, literature, dance, politics,

I'd like to meet:

A Soulmate


jazz, funk, dub, reggae, folk, trip-hop, hip-hop, ska, electronic, lo fi, psychedelic, indie, drum+bass, experimental, blue grass, rave,

check my MUSIC BLOG for a regularly updated playlist :)


Romeo+Juliet, Amelie, Donnie Darko, Bugsy Malone, The Sound of Music, The Snowman, Soul Survivors, Crash, Titanic, The Nightmare Before Christmas,


Desperate Housewives, Shameless, No angels, My Name Is Earl, Green Wing, The Simpsons, Lost, Friends, Will and Grace, Prison Break,


Dance on my Grave, Postcards from No Man's Land, Funny Bones, Memoires of a Geisha, Phillip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials', The Secret Garden,

My Blog


This is just an area I've decided to use to give you an idea of my musical preferences. I will try to update it and add to it so its always pretty accurate. Thanks for listening :) feel free to commen...
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:44:00 PST

My Art Exhibition

Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 03:58:00 PST

My Ideal. This one's for the guys.

Cross boxes of the ones which apply to you. Appearance [ ] I am over 5'7[ ] I have longish hair[ ] I am clean[ ] I smell nice (not exactly appearance) [ ] I have a sporty figure[ ] I have soft h...
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:50:00 PST

A little about me - UPDATED REGULARLY

Tell me something...- About You: I am called millie, and am currently studying music at Newcastle University.- About Your School: I don't go to school anymore! But my uni is fun.- About Your Social Li...
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:23:00 PST


im having a really fucking shit time at the moment. just when i thought things were looking up, like really up, its all shit. and im telling you all, because i dont share my problems enough. and i nee...
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i just wana say a thankyou to every1 at school who's reeeeallly nice and that im glad iv got you all :) i was worried startin afresh that id struggle makin friends but your all full of aceness and bea...
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Love is all you need. And of course this includes the love from fantastic best friends...that i dont have enough of. I hope its not my fault. Infact i think it is my fault. What can i do?
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

random message

hello every1! im jus experimenting so i dont really have anything to say except i love you all! xxxxxx
Posted by Joyous like the Fleas in my Carpet on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST