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We are Members of the St, Thomas BIble Study Class held on Wednesday nights @ 7pm...... WE are a class of students who have Humbly DECIDED to seek after CHrist Jesus in a real way. We Encourage Gods Participation in our Purification Process. We desire God to Renew our Minds by CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK...And we need the Holy Spirit to lead us so that we can finally begin to "LIVE" and reach our true Potential.... no longer will we allow "others" to SET LIMITS for us- for through God we KNOW we can do all things - - - - - - - Romans 8:37 lets us know we have a reason to REJOICE...... We know the Transition is DIFFICULT and it takes TIME but we must be PATIENT. With HIGH EXPECTATION we move forward one step at a time, one Day at a Time, one Breath at a time..+ ................. we are not perfect BUT WE LEAN on the Perfection of OUR Jesus.... We are a work in Progress and we encourage you to ACCEPT CHrist and reap the benefits of the "CHILDREN of God" and Look forward to ETErnal Life......... ++++++++++ please VISIT our Blog section+The best day of my Life+ –adjective, 1. most advantageous................................................ .................................The best day of my life is today. . . . .Today, as every other day before, I suddenly awoke. Without any Warning, there I was- beginning another day-. As I have lived my previous days, I’ve taken notes, and TODAY I have the advantage because I have been paying attention, I have been conscious of the consequences of my actions and I have become more aware of the causes of my Joy and Pain. TODAY is the best day of my life because yesterday has taught me. The “day before†did not past into my yesterday category without ME becoming aware of the LESSON that was to be learned that day. I don’t live in regret- no- I live in gratitude for the privileges attached to being a CHILD OF GOD. Pain won’t enter, unless I open the door, misery will not weight me down, unless I pick her up, drama won’t put on a show, unless I give her an audience.I will rejoice- I will be glad- because I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE PRIVILEDGE TO BE. I will “BE†exactly what I want my day to “BEâ€.I will teach “my day†how to behave – by setting the example. Today I will rejoice because God created it- so that I may control it. The unexpected may happen- but through self control I gain situation control. Because of the CALMNESS in my spirit my day will Compliment the determination of my Peace. I am honored that God decided to Gift Me with This Day. The Best part of this day is that I KNOW and Understand that it will shape and mold itself according to my desires. This day is the Best thing that could have happened to us. Therefore I will rejoice and “BE†glad IN IT. I take each second Personally and I keep tabs on how each hour is spent- and I dare not waste any part of the best day of my life. I’m too grateful for this gift to be mad all day. I’m too excited for this day to be sad too long. I’M soooo aware of what this DAY IS- I know that if I’m not investing, I’m wasting and I am so unworthy already I have decided to make the most of every moment that presents itself. I take not for granted the time- neither do I worry about tomorrow. For I know that Tomorrow is a Slave to MY TODAY. So I celebrate TODAY so that Tomorrow will know what to expect. I rejoice today so that Tomorrow will be ready for more praise. I praise God today so that Tomorrow will be a friend not a foe. But if tomorrow never comes- that means TODAY NEVER Ended- so while it is called TODAY- I will REJOICE, I Will Help, I Will SPEAK, I WILL Forgive, I Will Stand, I will Obey, I Will Live Like I KNOW what Power I possess and I Will behave like “ONE†who was chosen. The best day of my life started with me making a joyful noise- the best day of my life STARTED with me making a joyful noise- the Best day of my life Started with “ME†- making a joyful noise to God. Not with a sigh- not with pout- not with a worry- not with a fear- not with a argument- not with a phone call- not with a errand- not with to do list. But with a JOYFUL NOISE. That’s how the best day of my life began. Because Love saw fit, I was suddenly revived from my sleep. And this DAY, TODAY, will be dedicated to showing my Gratitude.