My beautiful wife and activities...MUSIC...the beach and boardwalk...YOU KNOW THE REST!
Musically inclined people with good taste who are interested in the politics of normalcy (as oppposed to the politics of idiocy we see today and for the last seven plus years...)
Jimi Hendrix...B.B. King...Led Zeppelin...Muddy Waters...(are you beginning to see a pattern here too?) THE BLUES and BLUESY ROCK.
Any Zemeckis film up to and including Forrest Gump and Contact; West Side Story; literally hundreds and hundreds of great movies, all genres and all time periods. Hard to list.
Journeyman...Heroes...Chuck (God, Mondays are great on NBC)...Sundays on HBO (until recently)...CBS Sunday Morning...60 Minutes...PBS galore (Frontline, Nova, American Experience, you name it).
Caleb Carr, Christopher Moore, Stephen King, lots of non-fiction too.
Are there really any heroes anymore? Guitar hero - Jimi Hendrix. Environmental / Political hero - Al Gore. Life hero (wouldn't be here if not for her) - My wife, Courtney.