Army Basic Training
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Get a Jump on Your Future in an Exciting MOS!You've heard it before: go to college, earn a degree and you'll get a great job.That used to be true, but today, it's not quite that simple. Many students find themselves starting out in entry-level positions after they graduate. Why? Increasing competition.That's where the National Guard comes in. We'll put you ahead of the pack by giving you hands-on work experience. The kind of experience that lets you skip past the minimum-wage gigs and land in a substantial, lucrative position.Where do you get this training? In your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) - the job you choose upon enlisting. If you have a specific career in mind, there's a corresponding MOS in the Guard. If you're still on the fence, you'll have fun exploring your options; we have over 200 to choose from. Either way, we'll get you on the fast track to a fabulous future. MOS Specialty Areas Combat ArmsTrain to defend our country and defeat the enemy. Learn to take and hold ground in battle. Prepares you for a career in the armed forces or Special Forces. Combat SupportJobs include information systems, communications networks, maps, area security, and law and order. Can lead to civilian jobs in communications, civil affairs and intelligence. Combat Service SupportKeep all operations running efficiently. Work may be in payroll, health, personnel or other areas. Prepares you for a career in human resources. Military Police (MP) / Military Intelligence (MI)MPs keep the peace and respond to emergencies. MI gather and analyze critical information, create and break secret codes, and more. Civilian counterparts include the civilian police force, the FBI and the CIA. CommunicationsBuild, operate and service satellite dishes, microwave transmitters, fiber optics and computer networks. Corresponding private sector careers include video equipment operator and electronics. MedicalProvide medical care to the injured, respond to natural disasters and humanitarian needs. Prepares you for health care jobs such as medical technician, lab specialist, nurse and physician. Administrative / LogisticsThis field includes Automated Logistics Specialist, public affairs, journalism and personnel administration. For almost every job in this area there is a corresponding private sector vocation.
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