MY FAMILY, MUSIC, WRITING, medicine, science, religion/the lack of, cultures, history, quantum physics, realms of the unknown, knowledge.
The Trooth Farer. Fellow truth speek makers..moment mappers, digital audio jammers, real peepers. Those who are creative and inspiring without making effort. The dude who can unearth mysteria X. OH BY THE WAY, I have April Fool's Disease, ooops.. shucks to be you if you know ME <-
I love everything. My new project is Swong soon! Swing on that!
MY OWN Watch for my kids someday soon!!! the bakslidp debudon't
I hate television. I am making it better. God, I'm a busy gal.
the ones that teach me.. amuse me..and keep me turning the pages. 27 more to go! I BECOMING 1:ONE
Peace makers eternal, Mom, Dad, Summer, Chandler, Jacob, Conor, Jide, My Debudon't the X-Men and theirs , everyone get along now be good to each other blah blah, the children are our future. be nice to the animals don't forget Angus, LOUI and Roo, Hazel, and Isis. My extended family who support me day in and day out.. and..those who allow me the opportunity to fail and teach them from the yieldings of my own mistakes.Lets teach each other.