gilbert harold kelly aka kinkywitch/djsilencer profile picture

gilbert harold kelly aka kinkywitch/djsilencer

About Me

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i have been promoting one-night club events since the early 1980's - from 'the egg-noodle jazz bar' in deptford, 'the kath-e-lik klub' in carnaby street, 'limbo' in heaven, 'avalonbabylon' in marlborough and in hoxton (amongst other places). i have also mixed ambient sets at many, many private parties in wiltshire, avon, bath, bristol and other places.i have released re-mixes of various peoples music, but the only one i care to mention at the moment is the one i did with slinky wizard way back in 1999/2000.i play all rock instruments and compose mainly on piano and guitar.i am currently writing a minimalist opera with a libretto based on peter handke's play kaspar.basically, although i have dedicated my life to making films, music is a passion of mine and i have a few albums to release in the near future, about which more later.the piece of music on my profile page is a sonic-sculpture, recorded during a live rehearsal forone of the avalonbabylon club nights - this one took place at the blue note club in hoxton, london in1997. it is only an excerpt, the original recording being approximately 2o minutes long. it ends abruptly.i wanted it to sound like god rousing from a slumber and surveying the wasteland of an unguided humanity. theterm avalonbabylon combines, holistically, the concepts of avalon and babylon. hope i haven't been hubristic.the second track - 'a wiltshire griot's ode to the faeriest queene pt1' is an extemporised performance ..board, utilising a varity of processed sounds. it is part of a musical tryptich and a taster. the griot ep is about to be released in the coming months. it has been aired on radio 3 and a few other stations and has attracted the attention of the early music scene. the score will also be published.the third track '(she) whips my hips' is by kinkywitch and the derangels. there are some pretty awesome female vocalists adding to the final mix - and it needs a live drum track, but i thought to make it available on-line for promotional purposes only.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/23/2007
Band Website: dit dit dit dot com
Band Members:kinkywitch/djsilencer! is not a band. it is gilbert - sometimes known as hector - mixing and spinning and, sometimes collaborating on re-mixes.kinkywitch/djsilencer! is also a member of the band wah projects include AMBIANCE vol1, MaScArA_SnAkE and Diabolus En Musica - send messages for further details.
Influences: minims, quavers, crotchets, semi-breves, flatted fifths, bass clefs, staves
Sounds Like: have a listen and leave comments
Record Label: avalonbabylon recordings
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

desperately seeking susan-type somebody

some daftness I wrote whilst watching desperately seeking susan&&&&again.  Desperately seeking stranger seeking susan-type chic whose got a girlfriend that can go out with me. Desperately seeking susa...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 06:22:00 GMT

new lyric (ode to) my perfect cowgirl

you got a face like a car-crash:the trash persona you postureis not a glam unto're gonna end up on a shelf.i see you scurrying to find a place to stash your emotions'cause you are devotiona...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 05:21:00 GMT

new lyric - (from the) diary of a damned soul

Diary of a Damned Soul<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />...... ..If my memory serves me well,....My life was a banquet,....Where the wine flowed (and).....
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 02:42:00 GMT

the vented spleen

The Vented Spleen of a Non-Hater who, ocassionally, Postures as a Derangel  (not for under-18's - unless your parents are hells angels)i'm fuckin' freaked by the way things are going,the way i've slow...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 18:00:00 GMT

new lyric - the derelicts dream

to quote david bowie,my hearts' in the basementand my week-ends at an all-time low'cause i'm sleepin rough againand it's probably my fault but it's just started snowin'and i feel like cryin' for mysel...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 18:06:00 GMT


BLACK STEW/BITCHES BREW<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />...... .... ..Ingredients...... ..A knob of butter....2 large sticks of celery....2 large carro...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 15:30:00 GMT

The Inherent Dangers Involved In Fabricating...........pt1

The Inherent Dangers Involved In Fabricating<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />....Fanciful Tales When Asked To Account For Oneself....By An Elder.........
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 06:28:00 GMT

The Inherent Dangers Involved In 2

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />..&&&I dreamt that we were in an exotic country, the heat of the sun, the humidity, I could hear the sound of a market...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 06:27:00 GMT

Rave Against Racism in the context of Broke(n) Britain

Rave Against Racism in the context of Broke(n) <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />....Britain....Piers Morgan, on the BBC Question Time programme ...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 15:36:00 GMT


SAY IT NOW AND SAY IT LOUD................ I'M IN THE BLACK AND I'M PROUD!...................yay! :)
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 02:33:00 GMT