Verde the Turtle profile picture

Verde the Turtle

I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

I'm two years old.
I had a best friend, his or her name was Platypus .
No one knows my gender... care to find out?
I would love to escape. Call me.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Insects, dead fish, tadpoles, meat, veggies, algae, leaves, stems, roots, fruit, seeds, water insects, small fish, tadpoles, frogs and painting.

I'd like to meet:

Any other turtle. Ever. A nice male or female to settle down with.


I don't have ears. Thank you for reminding me.


Movies about escaping are cool. Anything with "jailbreak" in the title. I also enjoyed "The Blue Lagoon".

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get soggy


Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe

My Blog


I escaped! I'm in town lake! I got away from that evil bitch! FUCK ALL OF YOU FOR NOT HELPING!
Posted by Verde the Turtle on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 02:51:00 PST

My wild weekend

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Posted by Verde the Turtle on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:09:00 PST

R.I.P. Platypus Born July 2004 Died May 19, 2006

On Friday May 19th, 2006 Platypus was found dead in his home, the aquarium. There was no note, no sign of foul play and the cause of death has yet to be determined. Platypus had a Christian burial (if...
Posted by Verde the Turtle on Sat, 20 May 2006 10:16:00 PST