Ty Doll profile picture

Ty Doll

Mizzez Ty Doll-Wicked

About Me

SHOOTING: plenty of availability in july & august.
FRIEND REQUESTS: i usually wait 'till i have about 24 pages of friend requests to go through them. so if you feel i denied yr request by accident, shoot me an email. which, keep in mind, also gets checked with slightly better to equal frequency.
my Amazon wishlist!
my Fetish Factory wishlist!
i like gardening : )

i love cooking & my purple mixer.

i love tom & like to keep him on a leash.

our kittens:

My Interests

yes, i do my own hair. no, i don't have the time to do anyone else's. i may take an occasional appointment in the future, it'll cost ya tho...$20-30/hr if you really want it that bad. for now, check lj fakehair.
i get 99% of my rubber from Fetish Factory, and you should too.
my kittens are ragdolls. (that is the name of the breed.)
Ty Doll: my fantasy, feminist, superhero that kicks ass when she finds grrrls in trouble, as well as a general [sarcastic] statement about my gender role in society... except i'm nobody's dolly, and i bite!

I'd like to meet:

annoying bulletins will get you deleted. spam will get you reported.
I WOULD NOT LIKE TO MEET: jerks, solicitors, kids under 18, or the generally miseducated.


rock, punk, industrial, hippie, dark trance, classic rock, riot grrrl, classical, techno, opera, metal, booty music, Timb Rocks , The Freakin' Hott and ZOMBIES! ORGANIZE!!


cheesy chick flicks, horror, artsy/independent, sci-fi, drama, pretty much anything except really boring action movies without boobs.


war and peace is my fave. i'm a huge Tolstoy fan, tho i haven't quite gotten thru the last leg of his religous work. i've become an avid cookbook reader and collector. older fave: season of the witch (herlihy) i'm always open to suggestions. likes: litt, some sci-fi, sexuality and gender issues, erotica, psychology, etc. i'm also especially fond of dictionaries. =D


john lennon & kathleen hanna! riot grrrls in general.

My Blog

my debut: FF november party!

most of you already saw these, i was just archiving them here. ; )~Ty~...
Posted by Ty Doll on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 04:00:00 PST

dissected cat from class, 2 pix

here is the cat i'm dissecting in anatomy class in case yr interested in what yr cat really looks like: and more, this shows the heart too ...
Posted by Ty Doll on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST