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R.I.P. Misty ******** Ill always love you******** "To be a vegetarian is to disagree,to disagree wit

About Me

style> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..I NEED to FIND SOME GOOD PEOPS ROUND HERE!!!!!! HERBAL ESSENCES!!! ITS BEEN TOO LONG ******************SINcE ALL A YOU **************BEEN UNDER OUR ROOF NOW****************** WE CALLIN OUT to ALL O YOU***************** TURN UP THE VOLUME**** TURN UP THE VOLUME*** PUSH UP YOU LIGHTER PUSH UP YOU LIGHTA***WE BEEN ACROSS THE MAP AND BACK **** AND STILL THE MASTERS OF OUR UNIVERSE** AS my SONG SAYS**"i donno if I got that right.ask me. or i might get to it later... sorry i havent gotten to it... beeen a lil busy round here! ask me...."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ "The Way of the Warrior has been misunderstood as a means to destroy and kill others. Those whose seek competition are makeing a grave mistake. to smash injure or destroy is the worst sin a human being can commit. The real Way of the Warrior is to prevent slaughter. It is the art of peace (Aikido) , the power of love"- Ueshibo O'Sensei (originator of Aikido)""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************ - from the Gabriola Sounder, my article was published January 28, this story printer friendly weekly archives- from the Gabriola Sounder, my article was published January 28, this story printer friendly weekly archives Return to Headlines Diary from an Island Girl ~ Changes ~ R.I.P By Galaxy Jade Taylor Monday, January 28 2008Misty DawnApril 1976-2006A year ago this night she passed away, my beautiful mare, my best friend in the wholeworld, my wisest teacher, my most gifted healer, my first riding horse, the mare whotook me through 4-H, and my first riding lessons with Rhonda Oster. Misty took mefaithfully through the trails, we even blazed some of them on Gabriola ourselves. Andwith best friends Zorro, Rusty, Reba, Romeo, Tammy, Tai, Bart and Benz.Misty always brought me home if I was lost... day or night. She took me through myfirst gymkhanas, schooling shows, the VIEX (she then decided she didn’t want to ride intrailers or stand in stalls and pose for people anymore… so we went for walks, jogsand gallops through the bush, through the sand... and swimming in our favouriteocean spots off Gabriola, El Verano or False Narrows. We did backyard jumping,dressage and cross country, and gave riding lessons and trail rides to others. There areso many moments and times we shared together. She took me out through therainforest around sacred petroglyphs, watching wildlife, long rides alone, meetingfriends, and leading horse friends along for the ride. She helped me mature andbecome the person I am. She was in my care for over half of her life, and I was in hercare for over half of mine. She may have threw me off a few times but I’m sure Ideserved it! She was so kind and gentle with timid beginners or unsure kids... sheknew the difference between someone vulnerable and gentle, some overconfidencethat needed a little testing, or the bullies that she wanted nothing to do with. She wasthe leader of our herd up until that evening last year. On November 30th, 2007, when Iarrived at the stable she was down in the snow, apparently for three hours, she wasdehydrated and hungry... we tried to get her off the ground, and she tried so hard toget up. I put armfuls of hay around and under her, I put her blankets and saddle padsaround her and all over her to try to keep her warm.Waiting for the kind vet to arrive I believe she listened to me thank her for as much as Icould express and apologize for all of my human ignorances... she died with her headin my arms, her shoulders on my lap, her cheek against mine and it was for real when Isay tears ran down her cheek to match mine before the vet helped her out of her pain.It was a horribly sad thing that she died that way, I can only be thankful I was there forher, the vet was so kind. Her ‘herd’ was also there... she had a full and fun life, my bestteacher ever... she will be remembered by many on Gabriola and all over VancouverIsland. Family, friends, acquaintances and strangers remember her graceful wisdom,beauty and soul. I am so thankful to have been able to be near him (HER SON ISLAND BREEZE) as well... as I writethis from Ontario; starting a new chapter of my life in the horse industry, so that I cancome back and take care of Misty’s ‘herd’ once again.Misty is remembered by her human family, Galaxy Jade and Chris Alford. Thank youMisty for showing us your presence. I will always remember you and I will always loveyou, rest in peace.The day that you slipped away was the day I found things won’t ever be the same. Oh, Ihope you can hear me, I remember you so clearly. I miss you, I miss you so bad. I hopeyou can hear me, I remember it clearly, the day you slipped away.Now as I write this, looking forward to another new years day, I look up to see her eyesshining from a photo of us at the beach and I am inspired. I am thankful for so manychanges. I hope to hear and see changes from my island of birth. I hope to see peopletalking and helping each other as a community - no matter what. I hope to see peoplecaring enough to ask instead of ‘it’s not my problem’ as if that kind of thinking is afavour to a person in crisis or need of help/support. I hope to see more people helpingeach other emotionally, physically, as well as financially, I hope to see honesty andintegrity instead of a society of people hiding from each other and/or covering up foreach other. There are so many people I would wish to see apologizing to another, Iwould wish to see protection from all kinds of abuse, for all kinds of people… anyonein the community would have unlimited help whether it’s physical, monetary,addiction, family problems, career issues, relationships, emotions; I would see an endto the ignorant petty gossiping and rumours, I would see people of all ages, culturesand statures communicating openly, I would see people seeing and protecting,promoting the beauty of the life we are given, really seeing, not just looking. Notwondering how they could have destroyed, could destroy, help destroy or allow suchthings to be destroyed. I would see the love that I have read about in books likeGreenpeace, Tao of Equus, The Man Who Listens to Horses, Celestine Prophecy… and Iwould see people always looking to help someone else before themselves… I wouldsee the proverbial village raising the child.As People we can change. Let’s try ourselves first, instead of thinking we can change others.Remember sayings like ‘think globally, act locally’? I’d love to see us doing it as muchas we say it. I look forward to visiting the Commons as it reveals the vision I was shownby a dedicated Gabriolan. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, I hopeone day you will join us… and the world will be as one. It doesn’t necessarily matterwhat your faith is, what matters is that you have faith.HeadlinesColumnist Kerry Sorrenti's Website With express permission in writing, The Gabriola Sounder publication may consent to the copying of advertising and editorial material with the explicit understanding that the source (Sounder/Date) is added to the body of work produced. Home | Contact Us | Privacy Statement | Advertising | Archives | Site Map© 2008 The Gabriola Sounder, Gabriola Island, BC, Canada ~ Web Design: Innovative Illusions Innovative Illusions*************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ******************************************** "SVING THE LIFE OF ONE HORSE MAY NOT HANGE THE WORLD BUT THE WORLD WILL SURELY CHANE FOR THAT ONE HORSE"______________________________________________________ _________~~~~A Horse doesnt care HOW much you know~ untill she knows how much you care ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"to be or to really be: ask not the question but learn the difference" T. Hunt """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Stay Calm Be brave... Wait For The Signs" - agh i cant remember the name of that radio show it was great.... i wwonder if its stilll on, been tooooo busssyyyyyy ahhhhh lol :)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "When I hear anger, it's a voice with power that says "Something isn't working here. Please listen!". That's all. No violence at all. What isn't healthy about that - speaking out when something doesn't work?" - carrot Wax********************************************************* "Those whose minds are at peace do not wish to live at the expense of others"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""Men hunt I think maybe because they have something wrong with their own equipment and they need something else to shoot with" - Pam Anderson "Based on my experience my advice to the public is to not eat meat" - Gregoria Natavidad, MEAT INSPECTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!" The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all of the wars of this century, all natural disasters, all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of 'real food for real people then you'd better live real close to a real good hospital" - President Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (Neal D. Bernard) ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********************************************************** '''''''''YOU cant see the !!!!! ??? ~~~just let me BREATHE~~Its the end of an era and Im back** @ the same place that I was last year uh???w/less fear**and even less reason to care**my minds on a snow filled [ ;) } beach that glistens*gimme chai*** and a chair an a i'lll break you off a little bit an clear the air,,,Yeh things is not fair** an I really grown accustomed to that kinda business$$?;/?but no matter what :i hustle through, trust a boo,, or a couple,,, or two**?but other than that YOU know where the buck stops you..ringworms can just talk up a storm but i worn to be orbiting my own core..<<< SHE'S BEEN WATCHIN OVER ME"....................................... What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
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My Interests

my fiance, horses,equine psychology,music, hip-hop, animals, people, photography, ecology, outdoors, psychology, sociology, history etc etc etc etc etc etc

I'd like to meet:

...sleep on my foam core????/? SUN MOON STAR i been on a long tour !!!!!!!!????!! with encours""""its funny how art becomes REALITY 'troup' ya know the scoop""""""""from moka only's fall collection 2005 ************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ LEO: Lioness, Your real growth these days is taking place deep within your subconscious mind and others probably won't even have a clue as to what you are processing. Nevertheless, this is a crucial time, for you are reconsidering basic assumptions that you may have taken for granted. You have come to the end of a road; be prepared to start on a new path in the days to come.... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%####### ;######**********************~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************************* This used to be in my blog but it disapeared and i think that ~~~~~~Misty~~~~~~ deserves a place to be remembered here.... _Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:01 pm Post subject::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: Rest In Peace ~ In Loving Memory ~ Kelton's Dawn-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In Loving Memory ~ my 30 year old mare died the night of Nov. 30 after hours of struggling. The kind vet, helped her the best he could, and helped her to greener pastures. Me and Misty had layed and hugged in the snow for hours trying to gain her strength and get her temperature up , but it was too late. She was too weak to get up and had been down for hours. She is now in a better place, where she will hurt no more, for that I am thankful. She has been the best of friends to me, and we have done everything from our first trail rides, to jumping, swimming in the ocean, teaching kids about the language of equus (including myself), beinf a friend to many other horses and animals etc etc etc the list is too long to tell now alll of her amazing qualities experiences and the things she taught us. She touched many lives and will always be remembered.Misty is remembered by her horse family Island Breeze(her son), Touchtone VF, Call Me a Miracle and her human family Galaxy Taylor, Chris Alford and Eleanor Taylor. She is also remembered by many friends and people who's lives she briefly touched.Misty you have added so much love laughter joy, have touched my life and changed it more than i know how to express. I love you forvever girl.******** R.I.P. April 1976 - Nov. 30 2006******************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **"I remember it so clearly, oh i hope you can hear me the day,, you ,, slipped away,, was the day,, i found it wont ever be the same,,i* miss* you*i miss you so bad* you know ill never forget you* oh its so sad* i made it there to kiss you* goodbye on the cheek* i wish that i could see you again* i know that i cant*ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi hope you can hear me, because i remember it so clearly, the day,, you ,, slipped away,, i found things wont ever be the same,, nah nah nah nah,,you wont wake up * i keep asking why* it is so hard to take it* why couldnt i been there in time to make it* but it happened you passed by*now youre gone somewhere youre not coming back now youre gone somewhere i cant bring you back"" I HAVE AN ANGEL TATOOED ON MY SHOULDER<<< SHE'S BEEN WATCHIN OVER ME".......................................****************** ******************************************* "You May Say Im A Dreamer But Im Not The Only One I hope Someday You Will Join Us And The World Will Be As One" ************************************************************ ***********************************************************8 1.82% You scored very high on this test! Emotional Maturity is a vital factor in the formation and growth of our other intellectual abilities, and you certainly have a solid foundation. People with high levels of Emotional Maturity tend to be more successful in life than those with lower levels simply because they know and understand themselves better. An important aspect of Emotional Maturity is being able to identify your feelings and their causes, which is something you do well. This helps make you the proactive person you are.During those few times that you may feel torn between emotional decisions, remember that with patience and honesty you will make the right choices. You are goal-oriented and also able to savor your accomplishments. Enjoy and keep shining! ************************************************************ ***********************************************************O ther people see you as sensible, cautious, careful, and practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friend too quickly or too easily, but someone who is extremely loyal to the friends you do make and who expects the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize that it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but, equally, that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is shaken. ************************************************************ ***********************************************************D ream Symbol(s) Found Forest... The forest is a mysterious place; in legends and fairy tales, they are usually inhabited by mysterious creatures, symbols of all of the dangers with which young people must contend if they are to become adults. It is a place of testing, a realm of death holding the secrets of nature which man must penetrate to find meaning. In analytical psychology, the forest represents feminity in the EYES of a young man, an unexplored realm full of the unknown. It stands for the unconscious and its mysteries.************************************************** ************************************************************ *********@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ ESP Test... 83.33%According to this test you have excellent psychic abilities! You are able to trust yourself, and your instinct is usually right. Keep listening to your gut feeling; it will serve you well.Our ESP, or 'sixth sense,' generally consists of five categories listed below. It is one of the factors that help in our abilities to make decisions, to understand people and their purposes, and to better comprehend situations.telepathy - mind-to-mind communicationclairvoyance - seeing events or objects through an inner sightprecognition - the ability to view events before they occurretrocognition - the ability to view past eventspsychometry - the ability to learn the history of an object by touching it @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Wh ich tree are you?...Poplar, the Uncertainty Looks very decorative, no self-confident behavior, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership serious. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ""81.08%Watch out, you're on fire! You definitely give off a sexy vibe. Your high score is indicative of your self-confidence and general sense of well-being. You feel pretty good about who you are and what you have to offer as a person. This positive vibe is most likely translated into many areas of your life, including your professional endeavors, relationships with others, and your personal goals. Keep holding your head up high! ************************************************************ *************A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,HESTIA, the Goddess of Family and Peace.She's a deity who embraces all the aspects of womanhood. As a woman in her image, you exude femininity and sensuality.You view men as the perfect counterpart to your womanly ways. But you probably don't appreciate casual encounters. Rather, you prefer purity and tradition. Because of these predilections, you tend to attract men who understand your nature and possess maturity and seriousness beyond their years. When you finally arrive at the bedroom and your divine qualities are released, you reveal such sensuality that the experience is unforgettable. In other words, with the right guy, you really know how to get wild in the sack. In fact, when the mood strikes, you can easily drive your man crazy. But out of respect for your inner nature, you require love and devotion from your partners. You are an attentive and giving lover who knows how to make your man feel sexy, appreciated, and fulfilled. When you show your stuff, it's like a light shines down from the heavens. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess! ************************************************************ **********************************************************Th is was in my blog but it disapeared and Misty deserves a place.Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:01 pm Post subject: Rest In Peace ~ In Loving Memory ~ Kelton's Dawn-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In Loving Memory ~ my 30 year old mare died the night of Nov. 30 after hours of struggling. The kind vet, helped her the best he could, and helped her to greener pastures. Me and Misty had layed and hugged in the snow for hours trying to gain her strength and get her temperature up , but it was too late. She was too weak to get up and had been down for hours. She is now in a better place, where she will hurt no more, for that I am thankful. She has been the best of friends to me, and we have done everything from our first trail rides, to jumping, swimming in the ocean, teaching kids about the language of equus (including myself), beinf a friend to many other horses and animals etc etc etc the list is too long to tell now alll of her amazing qualities experiences and the things she taught us. She touched many lives and will always be remembered.Misty is remembered by her horse family Island Breeze(her son), Touchtone VF, Call Me a Miracle and her human family Galaxy Taylor, Chris Alford and Eleanor Taylor. She is also remembered by many friends and people who's lives she briefly touched.Misty you have added so much love laughter joy, have touched my life and changed it more than i know how to express. I love you forvever girl.******** R.I.P. April 1976 - Nov. 30 2006 people... ?????????????? ...aliens?????????????? hmmmmm...... lets see... horse people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! horse people!!!!!!!!!!! horsepeople!!!!! local horsepeople! Where are all the good horsepeople!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on , i havent met more than three here yet i doubt.... where are you???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ************************************************************ ****************************************************Animal rights people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! human rights people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, environmental rights people or treehuggers as you may well call us(I do have a gorgeous picture of me hugging a huge douglas fir outside of Price Rupert with huckleberry and fern growing off the tree, i would put it up but i dont have the scanner cord right now),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; anyone with the same interests!!!!!! intriguing people, knowledgable people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i like debating too,,,,,,,,,,, just in fun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, buti can get offended by some o dem ol time rednecks or cowboy/girls or ignorant ///////////////............................................. .....................///////{{{{{}}}}}}}}} any interesting people or contacts...%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%music people! hip hoppers!!!! need more real good music !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!music artists! always trying to keep up on the music sceneas much as possible! more shows@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Lauryn Hill,the Marleys, Aceyalone, Abstract Rude, Bukue One, Blackalicious, Heiroglyphics, De La Soul, Jungle Brothers, Eminem, Nelly Furtado, Greenday, Incubus, Jurassic Five, Tribe Called Quest, Nickelback, Method Man, Gza, (Wu Tang), Tupac Shakur, Lisa Left Eye Lopez, MC Kia, Ndidi Cascade (spelling?), Moka Only,Gemineye, Okbar Ras Mufasa, Beatnuts, Nas, Mary J Blige, Avril Lavigne, Swollen Mewmbers, SWEATSHOP Union, Common, Kanya West, Guru, Jeff Spec, Pharcyde, Alkoholics, Xzibit, Ras Kass, Ishkan, X-Ivy, Homegrown, Champions, D-Dose etc etc etc mostly hip-hop, soul, some r&b, reggae etc etc etc ... ill try to gettin to listin off artists more cuz this doesnt even scratch the surface but thatll take awhile n i always seem to be able to be on here when im too tired!


comedy, good action/suspense/thriller, true stories, history, some fantasy/sci-fi etc etc, Braveheart, Kicking & Screaming, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Clerks 11, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Patch Adams, Stealing Harvard, Secondhand Lions, Medicine Man, On Deadly Ground, Fire Down Below etc etc, Crash, Black Beauty & Black Stallion of course, darn i cant think... Pay it Forward, A Time to Kill, Point of No Return, Enough, Erin Brockovich, Pelican Brief etc etc etc etc Phenomenon, Ice Age, Harry Potter, Training Day, How High, Anger Management, A Beautiful World, When Dreams May Come, Good Morning Vietnam, The Hard Way etc etc etc etc etc etc


usually sucks! ..documentaries, nature shows, animal shows, south park, thats 70's show... horsie shows.... gooood movies but i dont put too much faith in much tv lol


non fiction, horses, history, inspiring books...interesting books...(of course my gorgeous fiance's book too!!!!!) etc etc etc etc etc "Nothing in this Book is True But its exactly how it Seems", Greenpeace, The Man Who Listens to Horses, Natural HorseManShip, Lock Me up or Let me Go, The Pelican Brief, There are No problem horses only problem riders etc et etc The Tao of Equus is what im reading right now... 'Tales through the Time Loop"


my fiance Chris you inspire me endlessly baby, i love you forever xoxoxox my horses who have showed me when to let go and when to NEVER LET GO...Anne Reinders, Inger, you know who you are, ill never forget how much you help me with your wisdom etc etc etc....************************* This used to be in my blog but it disapeared and i think that ~~~~~~Misty~~~~~~ deserves a place to be remembered here.... _Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:01 pm Post subject::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: Rest In Peace ~ In Loving Memory ~ Kelton's Dawn-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ In Loving Memory ~ my 30 year old mare died the night of Nov. 30 after hours of struggling. The kind vet, helped her the best he could, and helped her to greener pastures. Me and Misty had layed and hugged in the snow for hours trying to gain her strength and get her temperature up , but it was too late. She was too weak to get up and had been down for hours. She is now in a better place, where she will hurt no more, for that I am thankful. She has been the best of friends to me, and we have done everything from our first trail rides, to jumping, swimming in the ocean, teaching kids about the language of equus (including myself), beinf a friend to many other horses and animals etc etc etc the list is too long to tell now alll of her amazing qualities experiences and the things she taught us. She touched many lives and will always be remembered.Misty is remembered by her horse family Island Breeze(her son), Touchtone VF, Call Me a Miracle and her human family Galaxy Taylor, Chris Alford and Eleanor Taylor. She is also remembered by many friends and people who's lives she briefly touched.Misty you have added so much love laughter joy, have touched my life and changed it more than i know how to express. I love you forvever girl.******** R.I.P. April 1976 - Nov. 30 2006******************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **"I remember it so clearly, oh i hope you can hear me the day,, you ,, slipped away,, was the day,, i found it wont ever be the same,,i* miss* you*i miss you so bad* you know ill never forget you* oh its so sad* i made it there to kiss you* goodbye on the cheek* i wish that i could see you again* i know that i cant*ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi hope you can hear me, because i remember it so clearly, the day,, you ,, slipped away,, i found things wont ever be the same,, nah nah nah nah,,you wont wake up * i keep asking why* it is so hard to take it* why couldnt i been there in time to make it* but it happened you passed by*now youre gone somewhere youre not coming back now youre gone somewhere i cant bring you back"" I HAVE AN ANGEL TATOOED ON MY SHOULDER<<< SHE'S BEEN WATCHIN OVER ME".......................................****************** ******************************************* "You May Say Im A Dreamer But Im Not The Only One I hope Someday You Will Join Us And The World Will Be As One" ************************************************************ ***********************************************************" The progress of a society can be judged by how its animals are treated"

My Blog


[Piano drops]And I heard 'em say, nothin ever promised tomorrow today.From the Chi, like Tim its the Hard-a-way,So this is in the name of love, like Robert saysBefore you ask me to get a job today, ca...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:28:00 PST

Now the Joy Of My World Is In...

Unsure of what the balance heldI touched my belly overwhelmedBy what I had been chosen to performBut then an angel came one dayTold me to kneel down and prayFor unto me a man child would be bornWoe th...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 11:26:00 PST

You Could...

"You could see me reachingSo why couldn't you have met me half way?You could see me bleedingAnd you would not put pressure on the wound.You only think about yourself...You only think about yourself.....
Posted by GalaxyJade on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 02:29:00 PST

my article was published in january! Diary of an Island Girl n tribute to Misty

- from the Gabriola Sounder, my article was published January 28, this story printer friendly weekly archives - from the Gabriola Sounder, my article was published January 28, 2008........
Posted by GalaxyJade on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 02:25:00 PST


''Starry nights city lights coming down over meSkyscrapers and stargazers in my headAre we we are, are we we are the waiting unknown This dirty town was burning down in my dreamsLost and found city bo...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 01:57:00 PST


’sometimes i wish we could go back to the way it was when we played as kids - but things changed , and thats the way it is.’’ God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot ...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:35:00 PST

Cant stop this thing we started...

Cant stop this thing we started, this thing called love we got it, no place for the broken hearted, no way.... Im going your way, lets make it our way, its such a strong way... "Be Without You"I wanna...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST

Maybe have 3 more horses friends and 40 plus!!!

I may have a palomino gelding to reschool with , help start a filly under saddle, and ride & possibly show a TB mare .... plus 40 other horses to work with, an indoor ring and ahhhhhhhhhh its so n...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 02:27:00 PST

SUNMOONSTAR EQUINE ~ relocated: back to Supernatural BC ~ V.I. from TEMISKAMING SHORES

it was a beautiful six months in east cental ontario, on the lake.... maybe bo back there next year :) nice to be back to the west coast for a while - doing a lot of outside work with the beaitiful we...
Posted by GalaxyJade on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 04:05:00 PST

Changes ~ I aint Mad At Cha

'I aint mad at cha...youre tryin hard to maintain so go head, im just laughin at ya'
Posted by GalaxyJade on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 02:17:00 PST