{i mean for this part to be hard to read}
the EFF is where i get & give some of my power.
i play with words. i dress them up, i try them on.. i studied them for years and have 2 degrees, in interdisciplinary linguistics & foreign languages.. both of which i think i used as wrapping paper last year.
here's the punchline : i live in an aspergian world that makes me process language and sensory input in unusual ways. sometimes, if i seem like i'm holding up my side of the conversation, chances are i'm just reacting to the noise i hear coming from everywhere and am actually talking to myself. it's weird knowing that i don't understand what you're trying to say to me.
..i'm in my own world a lot, and i'm very protective of it.
but i do want to show it to you.
i have held, at the same time -- one in each hand -- standardized tests classifying me as genius and mentally retarded. the tests were issued to me on the same day..
sometimes i wear underoos, toddler. i prefer boxer briefs. with the flap in front.
gay men adore me. i'm the resident hag of many a gay circle around here.
Open Source is a way of life. so is graffiti.