Hmmm... I think at first I'd like to meet up with all of my friends that are already on here... then meet some of their friends.. get a feel for the vibe around here and then whatever else happens from there. ...and maybe find some old long lost friends in the mean time.
I like to network for business opportunities... I like to know where the good bands are playing... I like to know about a good party... I like to know things I don't already know... so if you are wondering what to talk to me about, try starting there.
Ohh.. I'm in the perfect relationship for me, so please respect that and don't send me your "I think you're hot" comments.... if you have anything simply nice to say go ahead... (That doesn't mean I will add you to my friends list though) ;P
There are a few types of people I've learned that I don't care to deal with. Slackers, Flakes, and Scammers.
If you aren't driven to better yourself and live this life to the fullest, leave me alone, you will just weigh me down. In fact leave everyone alone, you are a cancer.
If you aren't dependable or can't deliver on what you say you are going to deliver whether it's as simple as meeting for coffee or as important as a large business deal, go make friends with a slacker.
..and most importantly,
don't try to bullshit me. I'm probably smarter than you and can see right through you. I read body language, vocal patterns over the phone, and even the words you choose to type to me. So go bullshit your best friend and call it a day.
Instead of calling these my "Top 8 Friends" I'm going to treat them more as my "Currently Featured Profiles" and expect to change them often.
If you or your band have anything coming up and would like traffic directed your way, I'll post you here in my "Featured Profiles" section. Don't bitch when I put someone else there, I still love you.
Also, don't give me large graphic ads for comments. My page looks organized and I don't want you to fuck it up. Please feel free to post them on my bands page . I left plenty of room there for large images. Thanks!
If you wanted to be added as my friend...
ummm.. just say so! Say anything! I don't add people that simply request the add without emailing me too. Tell me somthing you liked about my profile, that you want to know when and where I'm performing, anything so I know you aren't a webcam girl or a fake account wanting to add me.
NOTE TO NEW FRIENDS: I'm not really interested in having cyber-friends. I you live far away from me and will probably never meet up, I'm not really interested in investing time in you. All of my friends I have on here are real friends. I also add bands I like so I can get the latest on what they are up to.
So if you are scanning my page and want to be added... I keep an updated event listing on my page all the time as to when and where I'll be, come out and meet me. If we become friends, great! I'm all about it.