absenteeism, agitprop, anti-imperialism, Asia, asymmetrical warfare, baseball, BBQ, biking, blasphemy, Bolshevism, bonfires, California the Central Coast, Chon-li-ma, collectivism, crossover thrash, cultural anthropology, dual power, dialectical progress, economics, ELAS , escapist temptations, expropriation sans compensation, fly-posting, FM 90.7 KPFK , geopolitics, good conversation, Hellas, heresy, hiking, historical materialism, instigation, internationalism, Juche, linguistics, love, lucid dreaming, magnetic buttock putty, meandering, "metal of death", music, Nevada City/Grass Valley CA, Nippon, nueva cancion Chilena, organizing, people-watching, penguins riding dolphins, polemic, political economy, pranks, praxis, printing, Quagmires, reading, riding ponies on my boat in the middle of the ocean, RKKA, Rossiya, sabotage, scheming, sleep, sociology, some kind of edible, stealth intervention, sustainable growth, T-34, tennis, Texas Hold 'em, torrential rain, warmth, writing, www.atimes.com ,
My whole purpose for signing onto myspace was to keep tabs on friends that I don't see too often and to reunite with those with whom I've long ago lost touch - and of course, to follow up and build upon on recent encounters.
As far as fresh faces are concerned, I would prefer those who are serious, thoughtful, and respectful of themselves and others.
If you believe that the possibility of constructive dialogue or collaboration exists, contact me. Myspace can be useful for the purposes of political networking, education, and correspondence.
If I piss you off/annoy/offend, do us both a favor and remove me from your list(!).I won't promise mutual interest ....I'll do everything I can to avoid dealing with "model" bots, jaded dunces that are "over" everything, hipster doofuses, "bro"-types, youth pastors, gossippy lames, scene-twits, arrogant harpies, disingenuous smilers, marine recruiters, passive-aggressive fools, people who identify with characters portrayed by Vin Diesel, miscellaneous stooges/lackeys/running dogs, "petty-b" dilettantes, other fools that are completely steeped in and inseparable from their own superficiality, i.e. the soulless.
no internet bullshitting or drama please!
The Battle of Algiers, Gillo Pontecorvo
Crimson Gold, Abbas Kiarostami
Man With The Movie Camera, Dziga Vertov
Rodrigo D
Queimada (Burn), Gillo Pontecorvo
Strike, Sergei Eisenstein
Kwaidan, Masaki Kobayashi
Chinatown, Roman Polanski
Ivan the Terrible, Fires On the Plain, Throne of Blood, Burn (Queimada), Taste of Cherry, Soy Cuba/Ya Kuba, The Human Condition, The Edukators, Suspiria, The Outskirts (Okraina 1993), Come and See, Mad Max, Blood In Blood Out, Cheech and Chong, Bad Santa, Neo Tokyo, Que Viva Mexico!, Machuca, The Human Condition, Stray Dog, Bladerunner, Fear of a Black Hat, Mad Max, They Live, Tohoscope classics, Soviet monage, Iranian "New Wave", random exploitation etc.
Polygon, Soyuzmultfilm (1977)Benny Hinn
"The Patriot," "The Good Earth" ~ Pearl S. Buck
"Of Beasts, Gods, and Men" ~ Ferdinand Ossendowski
"Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"
"The Confessions of Nat Turner"
"1984", "An Homage to Catalonia" ~Orwell
Jean-Paul Sartre's "Road to Freedom" trilogy
Al bert Camus
"The Grapes of Wrath," "In Dubious Battle," "Of Mice and Men" ~Steinbeck
"A Canticle For Liebowitz"
(science fiction in general, alluding to the existing conditions of contemporary Earth )
Malcom X
Edward Said
Isaac Deutscher
Naquib Mahfouz
Raya Dunayevskaya Pandelis Pandouliopoulos
Jack Kerouac
assorted Kremlinology
Audubon guides
"The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq",
"Syria's Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables"
~Hanna Batatu
"The Iron Heel" ~Jack London
Russian fairy tales
"1001 Arabian Nights" ~Sheherazadze
"In the Spirit of Crazy Horse"
"Rivers of Blood, Years of Darkness" ~Robert Conot
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" ~Gabriel Garcia-Marquez
"Oblomov" ~Ivan Goncharov
"A Clockwork Orange" ~Anthony Burgess
Philip K. Dick
Harry Turtledove
Lev Vygotsky
Frantz Fanon
"The Jungle" ~ Upton Sinclair
Paolo Freire
Kahlil Gibran
Anton Antonov-Ovseenko
Georg Lukacs
"Killing Hope: A History of US Millitary and CIA Interventions Since WWII" ~William Blum
"City of Quartz" ~Mike Davis
Rosa Luxemburg
August Bebel
Sergei Plekhanov
Victor Serge
Antonio Gramsci
assorted other Foreign Languages Publishing House/Progress(MOCKBA)/Foreign Languages Press(Beijing)/Pathfinder(NY)/AK Press/etc. classics...
"Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert; es kommt aber darauf an, sie zu verändern."
Hello DC!
"All our lives we fought against exalting the individual, against the elevation of the single person, and long ago we were over and done with the business of a hero, and here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all."
"Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. This idea cannot be insisted upon too strongly at a time when the fashionable preaching of opportunism goes hand in hand with an infatuation for the narrowest forms of practical activity." - V.I. Lenin, 1901
"It is true that other post-Marx Marxists have rested on a truncated Marxism; it is equally true that no other generation could have seen the problematic of our age, much less solve our problems. Only live human beings can recreate the revolutionary dialectic forever anew. And these live human beings must do so in theory as well as in practice. It is not a question only of meeting the challenge from practice, but of being able to meet the challenge from the self-development of the Idea, and of deepening theory to the point where it reaches Marx's concept of the philosophy of 'revolution in permanence.'" - Raya Dunayevskaya, 1982
"We have committed great errors, comrades. We wanted to be revolutionaries; we were only rebels. We must become termites, boring obstinately, patiently, all our lives: In the end, the dike will crumble." - Victor Serge, date unknown