Surreal Warfare profile picture

Surreal Warfare

About Me

I'm not happy with the world as it is, and I seek change. Of course I seek political change, however I can see that political change would be not only pointless, but totally irresponsible, and even horrific, without a prior cultural change. I seek to examine the depths and breadths of the required aspects of these changes, for the eventual goal of total autonomy.
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Politically, I don't know where I stand, and really I can hardly say I ever knew. I know that I am not right wing, and I know I am not left wing, so I guess that I am of a "third position," which is inevitable for anyone who is nihilistically willing to question any value they are confronted with. I consider myself a nihilist only insofar as it has allowed me to reconsider my entire life. Furthermore, while there is definitely value in developing and maintaining perspectives, it is always important to temper them with a little doubt. Unfortunately, as I do not feel that I totally understand everything there is to understand about human nature, I can not pretend to have a definite stance. It seems that I am more nihilistic than I think.
However, I can not deny the romantic qualities that play upon my psyche as well. These are the things that make life worth living. Understanding factual reality is important for survival's sake. However, for the survival of the soul, romance, which to me is a combination of creativity, beauty, magnitude and identity, is very important, and is not required to be factually accurate. Ideally, a poetic intercourse of romance and reality can be created. A life lived thus is my ultimate goal.

My Interests

Martial Arts, Meditation, Mysticism, The Occult, Mythology, Shamanism, Radical Traditionalism, The Collective Unconscious, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cultural Anthropology, Music Theory, Nutrition, Cooking, Brewing, Woodworking, Metalworking, Leather Working, Rock Climbing, Kettle Bell, Physical Fitness

I'd like to meet:

The idea of my page is to connect me with my friends across the country, but also to connect me with intelligent individuals that I have not yet met.


Thrash, Speed Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, Baroque, Choir, Ambient, Death Industrial, Martial Industrial, Apocalyptic Folk, Irish Folk, Bluegrass, Blues, Ragtime, Jazz


I've sort of stopped watching movies for the most part. But of the ones I do watch, I will stick with my old statement:
character driven plots, zombie flicks, speghetti westerns, animation/claymation, foreign films from small countries, surrealism, widescreen not fullscreen, and for christs sake, subs not dubs


One way communication designed to diminish your ability to filter information and to program you to perceive reality in ways required by your manipulators to feed their endless lust for power.


I have an unhealthy addiction to buying books that I don't have time to read. Right now I am in the middle of reading The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde, The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, Lords of Chaos by Moynihan and Soderlind
Still haven't gotten around to finishing Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Jung, A Psychiatric Study of Myths and Fairy Tales by Heuscher, The Glass Bead Game by Hesse, or Beowulf by Heaney.
For school I am reading Nature's Perfect Food by M. DuPuis, Nobodies by John Bowe, and Mutants by Armand Marie Leroi.
Maybe I should plan on reading what I've already started, but fuck that. This summer I am planning on reading The Truth About the Drug Companies by Marcia Angell M.D., Bloodworld by Laurence M. Janifer, The Lottery: Adventures of the Daemon Lover by Shirley Jackson, Privatizing Poland by Elizabet C. Dunn, Revolt Against the Modern World by Evola, Imperium by Yockey, Vol. 10 and 0 of Transmetropolitan, Franny and Zooey by Salinger, The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Campbell, and if I have time Don Quixote by Cervantes.
I also want to get a hold of Preacher by Ennis, The Sandman by Gaiman, The Invention of Tradition by Hobsbawm and Ranger, The Globalization of Nothing by Ritzer, and The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life by Goffman.


I think that in this society, we have so much information available to us that it is difficult to avoid criticisms on anything, especially when it comes to people in the spotlight. The end result is that people get very good at being critical, and end up totally cynical and without heroes.

My Blog

Democracy is a Sham

I was talking with my housemate today, spouting off about my views on democracy, GW's mistakes in Iraq, and how he didn't count on them not wanting to exchange autonomy for democracy, and such. My hou...
Posted by Surreal Warfare on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 05:31:00 PST

My Perspective

All my friends are all over the country. I don't know how. I don't know why. Even my parents moved from my home town. I jumped ship right before they did. I guess I am used to it by now, but sometimes...
Posted by Surreal Warfare on Sat, 17 May 2008 03:14:00 PST