Defractory profile picture


AuDiO KaOsS {H3}ArT @ack5 & D-formOgraPhy

About Me

---------- !@ention!The Doctor is Operating ! ( read ThEe PrOfIlE S Und-E.R (D)construction) ----------
ThEe NeXt StEp N ThEe D-formOgraPhy Witch MuTaTed FrOm ZaX-O-PhOnEDefractory is a testing tank for audio experiments. The rare, the bizarre and the unclean will be found here. Defractory will generate Re-Nemisis's (re-mixes) of Zax-O-Phone tracks and those of other bands /artists. Defractory does not generate any 'genre' nor is it product necessarily music(al). N°N_genre_specific
Defractory is a clash of ritual, ambient and noise experiments with whatever is put into the kaos engine !Anyone who wishes to contribute or put a song up for submission is free to do so. However we do reserve the right to refuse anything.Defreactory / D-FrACTORY/ DeFrAcToRy

Mice-Ion stATE_MENt

Defracory was raised on thee Electric Black Aether (Psyberspace) oN Thee Halloween Gaunt Opening oV 2005.

Defractory is a virtual testing ground for thee AuDiO KaOsS (he)ArT. Defractory originally started out as a Boot(l)egg and Demo(n) space but has also spread towards thee field oV running exterior creations through thee KaOsS Engine (Rem-XS).

Defractory has evolved to a strange tranceformation plateau. A KaOsS N-gene that combines thee spirit oV DaDaism with kaos magick theories and surrealism with futuristic nostalgia. D-fractory is fluxuatiing

Defractory has thusfar housed thee following AuDiO D-compositions :

Kaos Breaking | Kaos Broken - with thee aid oV Guitar Explorer Lou Rossi

Noxion Opener | Autoagression | Rati-0 | Bestiaria v.III | Bestia flash | Melodioa N-cognitha | Verbal Viagra |

Fiber Fighter (March) | Psychic Hero II (abUSED verseION) | TryPig , Gasstalk Bleeder (Hidden Walpugis track(tor) , GALLetry, The Strange Muse oV Erich Zann |Golden sWINE (c°.LAB.oratAeon w1th Brandon Dai Cahal)| CHILLdren und BR°ken t1m3 pi3c3s{ Roto Visage Remix} ||ARME GOD {Roto Visage Remix} | Hypn° & hIS Klept° |@ak 5QaDR°N3 VIII ( f°r tHeE g1gle verseAE°n)| Under A 3 oV Limbs|

ALL VISUAL BEDEVILMENT COPYRIGHT )0+AVLL+E 2005-2008___________________________________________________ _______________________I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 9/13/2005
Band Members: T_H_E_E

M_A_L_F_O_R_M_A_T_1_0_NVocal SIR.gury, time-travel, de-mastering and DaDa rites executed by ( )O+AVLL+E ) (BE)Guest (dis)appearances by Akhkharu Lilith (BE)Jaan Patterson (GER) _NOT alchemySting-streings on "Kaoss Breaking/broken/breaking" courtesy of Lou Rossi (New York) Concussion-percussion on Kaos Breaking by Wil Dimartino. (New York)Guest vocal d-compositions on " Go(l)d(en) (S)Wine" & "@ak5Qadr°n3 VIII" by Brandon Dai Chahal (Michigan ) - DIE.rectoroV A Field of Black Orchids Guest SINths on " UNder A 3 oV Limbs " by Niclas Torpman (SWE)Re-mix-0-mat°515 oV Children are Time Machines Roto Visage& Other anonymous (don't) know who you are....
Influences: DaDaism, Experimental electronica, Chaos Magick, 0ccultism, ritual, noxi/°N c°rdienAte (mal)calQlAteAE°/NHYPNOsis,Tristan Tzara, Hugo Ball, Mesens, Marcel Duchamp, Luis Buñuel, Dali, Francis Bacon, Kenneth Anger, Peter Carol, Pierre Schaeffer, Cocteau, Telsa, Dario Argento, Sam Rami, Jodorowsky, Lucio Fulci, John Carpenter, Jörg Buttgereit, Incubi, Succubi, B.Yuzna, etc...
Sounds Like: Thee breaking of and bABELing oV NOX1{a.i.}0N5 / tHeE W(h)ispering oV D-generAte ARTelects N A flux °V PR°bain3 & upgraded projectAe/ONs oV C3r3brus C3r3br1ALL5/ tHe mus3 oV MUTEateAEON ...& so forth (und s°(h) eight)

HaxM°dEUS tHeE Pseudomonarchia Daemonium limited 3"cd out on BONE STRUCTURE (2007) -SOLD OUT-

The Reconstitution of Roto Visage (2007) out on Kaos ex Machina can be downloaded f°r free @ Fatal Terrors -International Black Noise compilation- expected mid-January 2008- D'aath VI{m} (;volt) E.P. -to be announced ...
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Red Lights spell 0ut ; (A) Mister E. (B) Miss.Led

" (A) Mister E. (B) Miss.Led " fr0m thee UPcoming RED LIGHT (D)STRUCK(T) {C0PP3R I.R0N}...
Posted by Defractory on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 02:58:00 PST

- Kenchkh -

New track from the slab, - Kenchkh -This track which will see physically release through Bone Structure's "404 FATAL TERRORS - International Black Noise compilation ". The double disced pathogen wil...
Posted by Defractory on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 03:17:00 PST

Under A3 oV Limbs

Defractory has spawn a new creation. Under A 3 oV Limbs, is a bybrid between the Dream.Cam.Era (Putre et Solve) and Defractory's Chaos Engine.The new tack features synths by Niclas Torpman TOHU VA VOH...
Posted by Defractory on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 06:25:00 PST

@tak 5QaDR°N3 VIII

@tak 5QaDR°N3 VIII (Attack Squadron 8) steers Defractory into back into darker waters form which it rose.The v°call5 on this track have been pre(d)formed by Brandon Dai Cahal (a A Field of Black Orc...
Posted by Defractory on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:05:00 PST

"The Reconstitution of Roto Visage" released !

Kaos ex Machina netlabel releases "The Reconstitution of Roto Visage." Eleven artists come together to reinterpret, reinvent, and reconstitute the work of Roto Visage. Featuring remixes by: I.V.Lab, P...
Posted by Defractory on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:05:00 PST


Hear-ye Hear-yeThe Strange Muse oV Erich Zan is no more !"Hypn° & hIS Klept° " have now taken its place. Stop by @ chez Defractory to have listen !This track was inspired by T. Gericault's "Portrait o...
Posted by Defractory on Tue, 29 May 2007 07:43:00 PST

U P D A T 3 5

I. "Ubbo-Sathla Dei'ah {_maleF°rmed}" is the latest mutant to crawl off the slab. This re-mix-0-mat0515 is one of 3. The original specimen was created by the soaring hands and throat of Brand Dai Caha...
Posted by Defractory on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:53:00 PST

-hAx5M°Deus III ltd edition Release -

-hAx5M°Deus III ltd edition Release - BONE 06 DEFRACTORY " ha5modeus" Pseudomonarchia Daemonium volume III ltd edition of 50 copies - 4 eu/5$Third chapter of the "Pseudomonarchia Daemonium Serie". Asm...
Posted by Defractory on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:36:00 PST

Lord Leviathan interview in Wounds of the Earth

Lord Leviathan (thee mad d°ct°r) havs been interviewed* for Wounds Of The Earth e-zine. The ( ir)responsible cranial operation was conducted by Jason Popejoy, monster-mind behind Roto Visage . (* the...
Posted by Defractory on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 05:47:00 PST

Roto Visage re-m1x-0-mat°515

ROTO VISAGE re-m1x-0-mat°5!5 of "The Children Are Time Machines" n°w playing.
Posted by Defractory on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 03:12:00 PST