---------- !@ention!The Doctor is Operating ! ( read ThEe PrOfIlE S Und-E.R (D)construction) ----------
ThEe NeXt StEp N ThEe D-formOgraPhy Witch MuTaTed FrOm ZaX-O-PhOnEDefractory is a testing tank for audio experiments. The rare, the bizarre and the unclean will be found here. Defractory will generate Re-Nemisis's (re-mixes) of Zax-O-Phone tracks and those of other bands /artists. Defractory does not generate any 'genre' nor is it product necessarily music(al). N°N_genre_specific
Defractory is a clash of ritual, ambient and noise experiments with whatever is put into the kaos engine !Anyone who wishes to contribute or put a song up for submission is free to do so. However we do reserve the right to refuse anything.Defreactory / D-FrACTORY/ DeFrAcToRy
Mice-Ion stATE_MENt
Defracory was raised on thee Electric Black Aether (Psyberspace) oN Thee Halloween Gaunt Opening oV 2005.
Defractory is a virtual testing ground for thee AuDiO KaOsS (he)ArT. Defractory originally started out as a Boot(l)egg and Demo(n) space but has also spread towards thee field oV running exterior creations through thee KaOsS Engine (Rem-XS).
Defractory has evolved to a strange tranceformation plateau. A KaOsS N-gene that combines thee spirit oV DaDaism with kaos magick theories and surrealism with futuristic nostalgia. D-fractory is fluxuatiing
Defractory has thusfar housed thee following AuDiO D-compositions :Kaos Breaking | Kaos Broken - with thee aid oV Guitar Explorer Lou Rossi
Noxion Opener | Autoagression | Rati-0 | Bestiaria v.III | Bestia flash | Melodioa N-cognitha | Verbal Viagra |
Fiber Fighter (March) | Psychic Hero II (abUSED verseION) | TryPig , Gasstalk Bleeder (Hidden Walpugis track(tor) , GALLetry, The Strange Muse oV Erich Zann |Golden sWINE (c°.LAB.oratAeon w1th Brandon Dai Cahal)| CHILLdren und BR°ken t1m3 pi3c3s{ Roto Visage Remix} ||ARME GOD {Roto Visage Remix} | Hypn° & hIS Klept° |@ak 5QaDR°N3 VIII ( f°r tHeE g1gle verseAE°n)| Under A 3 oV Limbs|
ALL VISUAL BEDEVILMENT COPYRIGHT )0+AVLL+E 2005-2008___________________________________________________ _______________________I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4