Studio: Jour 1
Just Like the Movies est un groupe de Montréal/Repentigny aux influences variant du punk au pop, rock. JLTM était d'abord connu sous le nom de Leftonsideroad (composé d'ex-membres de United Limits, Not my Spoon, I love Apple et Come by Nation).
Avec plus d'une centaine de shows à leur actif, Leftonsideroad a acquis une solide expérience de scène et a pu partager la scène avec de nombreux bands tels: MAP, Ok Volca, Reset, Florence, Les Dorothée, Indicedoktane, Bald vulture, BIGbucket, Mary-Go-Run, Issue Sixteen, First Part (de la France), Esily, The Black Jacket, Urban Aliens, Ghoulunatics, Augury, I Hate Sally, Tomorrow's World Screen, Underless, Fifty Stars Anger, Reanimator, Social Revolver, et bien d'autres excellents bands.Avec le bagage accumulé au fils des années et l'arrivée d'André fin 2006 le band évolue différemment, dégage une nouvelle énergie et prend un nouveau tournant pour finalement devenir Just Like The Movies en janvier 2008. Nous entrerons en studio en mars et reviendrons rockez les plaches dès la fin mai 2008!!
Just Like the Movies is a band from Montreal/Repentigny and their influences varying from punk, pop and rock. JLTM was previously known as Leftonsideroad (composed by ex-members from United Limits, Not my Spoon, I Love Apple and Come by Nation).
With more than a hundred shows to its credit, Leftonsideroad got some experience and hit the scene with many groups like MAP, Ok Volca, Reset, Florence, Les Dorothée, Indicedoktane, Bald vulture, BIGbucket, Mary-Go-Run, Issue Sixteen, First Part (from France), Esily, The Black Jacket, Urban Aliens Ghoulunatics, Augury, I Hate Sally, Tomorrow's World Screen, Underless, Fifty Stars Anger, Reanimator, Social Revolver, and many more great bands.With the baggage accumulated over the years and André arrives by the end of 2006, the band evolves differently, a new energy emerges and takes a new turn to become Just Like The Movies in January 2008. We enter the studio in March and will come back to rock by the end of May 2008