Rejected began in Quebec City in August 2004, when the two brothers Benoît and Mathieu Carbonneau decided to form a rock band. The name "Rejected" was inspired by the title of a song written by one of their favourite group, Rancid. During the first months, the two brothers decided to play in duet until May 2006, when Éric Langis joined the band to play bass. The collaboration only lasted a few months, because Éric chose to leave the group at the end of July 2006. In August 2006, Alexandre Gamache joined the band as a bassist to form the current line-up. Since December 2006, Rejected has played shows in Quebec City with many local bands, and since March 2007, the members of Rejected have produced most of the shows they have taken part in. From the beginning, they have always had a proactive approach, and the unity in the band is one of the key elements. In the upcoming months, Rejected will continue to play as many shows as possible and write new songs.
My Interests
Member Since: 8/18/2006
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