Skateboarding on anything and everything, all styles, the faster the better, but it's all about having fun.
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Punk Rock
.. The Best Skate Collection _EVER_
Fuel T.V. Saturday Night Live
Thrasher, Transworld, Juxtapoz Magazine, anything within arms reach on the can.
T, Woody Carey, Jim Connors, Bob Schmelzer, Steve Ortega, Dennis Finger, Ricky Winsor, Mike Marinaccio, Josh Swindel, John Schultes, James T. LaFave, Justin Mills Macey, Brian Douglas, Brian Reed, John Llyod, Jason Romero, Sage, June bug, Rob Perice, Lucero, Max Evans, John Holmes, Ron Paul, Ron Jeremy, Ronald MacDonald, Marty McFly, Grandmaster Flash, Bob Ross, Frank Sinatra, Rocky Marciano, Mean Gene Okerlund, Ashley Alexandra Dupre