in lanuage we often classify things to discribe them, even as simple as calling something a color or shape is to classify it and it seems we spend most of our lives learning how to unlearn, declassify. classifcation is one of our greatest flaws as human beings, if only we could learn to over come our crutch of learing through classifcation... think of the possiblites our minds could go wtihout those barriers........
people who wear shower caps while mowing the lawn. someone that can teach me how to skip stones. people that are prepared for the revolution................... also people without them JUGGEN EYES...
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i heart the huckabees, willy wokna and the chocolcate factory(orginal), garden state, fight club, lock stock and two smoking barrels, city of god, stnach, + layer cake, both conans, the blue lagon, amile, desprite living,everything is illumnatinated, wings of disire, the rabbit proof fence,crybaby, punch drunk love, almost famous, you, me, and everyone we know, gatitca, 8,1/2, a very long engagment, about a boy, little miss sunshine, cool hand luke, all bond movies
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jitterbug perfume & skinny legs and all, choke, fight club,survior, (i think chuck palaniuk is fucking genius), all the harrys,ensteins dreams, 1984, the giver, the pearl, brave new world, basicly anything by Steinbeck,the perks of being a walflower, ishmael, NAKED LUNCH, goat brigde, ham on rye and all bukowski poems, talk to me pretty one day, paul stratherns 90 minutes series and other non fiction.
charles darwin, siddhattha gotama, aristotle, sigmund freud, mark mothersbaugh, pythagora, and of course dolphins.