Chainsawing through people, FISTING, naked showers parties, marketing to the youth, being a zombie, revenge, swan diving off buildings, playing x-men, getting lost in arcades, being crosseyed, drinking on weeknights, tromping the competition, dippin it low, hitting the g-spot in less than 10 seconds, pregaming, notes of hatred, raiding dad's liqour cabinit, being in Jackie's gym, rocketing to the moon, ruining my reputation, breaking shit, blacking out, eatting, being creepy, treasure huntin, being on survivor, being tan, wearing neon, moaning, sounding out words, teleporting, jumping off balconies, backstrokin into your mind, enchanting people, flying into glass tables, breaking things, smoking out of corn cob pipes, laughing at nothing, writing notes on pizza boxes, being rude, being innapropriate, walking amoung the dinosaurs, being on fire, getting arrested, saying 'correct', taking mug shots, jumping across bowling lanes, using only emergancy exits, teleporting backwards through fire, being a FREAK, eating ricecakes and air, and Marion fucking Peck, nostalgia...
people who teleport...