God, My Wife and My Son, Metal Music, Music in general, Tribal type things, Graphic Design, Tattoos.
Metal. and almost everything. I like classical, piano and jazz, and I enjoy some african music. But like I said I listen to almost any type of music wether it be rap, pop, metalcore, emo, techno. I prefer Christian Music, not because i'm narrow minded or anything, but simply because I want to keep my mind focused on things of God. I'll listen to non-christian music, but as long as its good, honest music, I like artist that enjoy being artist and aren't in it just for the money or fame, that includes christian and nonchristian arstist.
Lord of the rings trilogy. The best movies ever.
The Bible, I know this sounds like the "christian" answer, but the Bible honestly is the greatest book ever. Its so much more than a book, Its the truth, Its the greatest romance story. It has everything you'll ever need in there.
I also like the Lord of the Rings trilogy
Design books, and a lot of christian literature