i was told in Mathew 5 that I am the salt of the earth.
salt was once used to preserve things from rotting.
when you see people suffering do you let them rot?
we often won't let ourselves care for others because caring can hurt.
what if we were meant to live for so much more?
what if tears poured from your eyes for the broken, hurting, sick, lonely, hungry,& poor people in the world?
what if that salt water could lead you to pay someone's ransom with love?
If I am the light of the world, then I no longer want to sit under cover in a corner.
I don't want to flicker.
I don't want to cause others to strain.
I want to shine brightly.
I want to be used to guide others through the dark.
I want to be someone who loves well.
I am tired of my life being all "about me".