Music Entertainment and Videos TV and Movies!!
Robert DeNiro, AL Pacino, Tom Sizemore and of course The Rock!!!!!
My true love is AC/DC I was an 80's headbanger then around 92 I started to like rap so both are my favorite choices I really like all types of music Tejano, Oldies, Top40 even a little country very little :)
Anything with Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro and Tom Sizemore in it!! Mafia ruff guy movies....All time faves are True Romance(Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette) Scarface of Course what minority does not love that movie LOL and Heat AL Pacino and Robert DeNiro!!
America's Next top Model, King of Queens, Friends, Wil and Grace, Martin, Jamie Foxx, VH1, MTV, BET and Comedy Central.
Magazines Mostly!!!!
The firefighters of 911 and The troops!!!!