littlgriz aka christina profile picture

littlgriz aka christina


About Me

hi im tina i love JESUS CHRIST AND HIS CROSS i8m glad he died to save me frum hell im 33 years old i have williams syndrome please go her to red a bout it and i also have fibromialgia to this wil tel you a bout it i love the musical cats i like all kinds of musick christian metal i love all kinds of movies ad books to i love amarican indians musick boxes i have lowe depth persetion in both eye so if i spel sumthing rong il try to corectit hi evrey one thers sum inew info i ned to let you all knowe its verrey im portant to me that you all knowe that thers new in fo on my williamssyndrome most of you knowe i have wiliiamssyndrome iv had it fore 33 yearrs hers the main soight on the news this weak ther wase a report dun on a friend of mine with williams im glad thers new in fo out ther fore people hers the video to abd hers anuther one frum y sopace id love to anser anney qwestions you al have i love to dco rol playing espechaley narnian roplaying im a talking catin the rpg of narnia Get this widget!

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blesings friends

jewish holeyday

MySpaceTV Videos: williams syndrome by Kimb3r!y

i have williams iv had it alooong time

My Interests

cats the musical i have seen it a bout 30m times live plus the dvd :) i have met alot of the travaling cats and have met alot of the cats forum members go to CATS on musicals .net im a christian i love JESUS hes my savioer :) i love meting people i love to sing i love to lisan to a lot of musick i love the narnia cronicals by cs lewis lord of the rings jJRRTOLKINi love the muppets and disney aslan the grate lion king of narnia .. --> Renaissance Festival Podcast -->

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what christian metal band are you (with pics)

Stryper you love the classics, you love 80's metal. you like to speak your mind no matter what people think of you. you like music with meaning, catchy music, and stuff you can just rock out to.

Music Quizzes
Creative Spiritz Comments!

I'd like to meet:

JESUS my lord and svior anne frank corrie ten boom id love to meet ,mother angelica and mother torisa cs lewis jrrtolken lori wik
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Christian Easter Comments -


christin praise and worship cats the musical my favret of all times i love other musicals to :)i love christian metal to i love stryper i love hawian musick to praise and worship firstnations musick p align="cent - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics


NARNIA LORD OF THE RINGS MY FAIR LADEY THE SOUND OF MUSICK CATS THE MUSICAL ALL THE OLD DISNEY MOVIES I LOV ALL KINDS OF MUSICALS Passion of the Christ a man caled horse i love praise and worship the omega code ten comandments the tnt movies


TBN THE GOD CHANUL DASTAR SELABRATION I LOV TO WATCH THE HISTOREY CHANUL I LOV TO WATCH ANIMAL PLANET sky 1 and 2 scg1 and stargate atlantis birth stories house of babeys i love to watch mack overs :)


janet oake lov comes softleey therdss alot of books i love to red a bout specan neds childdren and ther famlies i love to red books a bout heaven i love to red siance fiction:) i love lori wik her books are wonderful i love books a bout the west i love books a bout catsGet this widget!


annefrank JESUS CHRIST MY SAVIOR corre ten boom i lov mother toresa pop jan paul the 2 in the bible my heros are marey the mother of Jesus i lov al the deciples i lov howe mother toresa showwd gods lov to hurting people i lov howe god yoused her to showe others that wer of other faths howe good god is corrie ten boom rote the hiding place she wase in the concentrashun camps in germaney the natzies wentto her house and arested her and her father and sister be caouse JEWS wer hiding in her house so god yoused her in a wonderful way toshow his lov to all people she evan fore gave one of the people ho had bin incharg of the camps it wase asad time fore anne fraink to she died be couse she wase jewish sumone be traied her famley and corries famley also thaylived in the same cuntrey holind and another famley caled the van trap famleley Ho escaped in time BEfore the natzizes coldd get
to them also youd knowe them frum the sound of mmusic

My Blog

my grandadeys legasey and our hope in the lord

my granfd father left us fore glorey  he was aspechal man  i wil mis him and his hellow yungin and his smile and his reminders to me that jesus loves you  he taout sunday school at achu...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST

what mental retardation is

Body: There's a kid at school who seems different. You've heard people say he has mental retardation (say: ree-tar-day-shun).Retard has become such a degrading word. People use the word to pick fun at...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:38:00 PST


hi evrey one to all my new friends im starting to pu rools up forst rool is dont mack fun of me  try to understand wer im cuming frum 2.Jesus christ is my lord and savior if you macki fun ...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 07:15:00 PST

narnia a christmas storey

it wase christmasd time nin narnia a gin  all the kings and qweens and aslan wer geting the casal al redey fore christmas the garlends wer redey to hang the trees wer all willing to be yoused if ...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 02:21:00 PST

christmas in the junkyeard

it wase  time to decorate the jellicle yard fore christmas we had punch and cookies fore evrey one  cum kittens il tel you a story  a bout sumthing that hapend a long time a go it wase...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:11:00 PST

HAAPEY BIRTHDAY LORD JESUS and marrey christmas

this is my favret time of year its our saviors birthday what kind of presant wil you bring to him this year  i wnder if heavan  selabrates christmas  shurleyto goodn es thay do remember...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 05:08:00 PST

macaviteys halloween scare

one halloween alll the jellicles wer having a partey sudanley thay saqwe sumthing cuming tword them all it wase MACAVATY he wanted to have his reveng cus he wase not welcum at the jellicle bal so...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST


This is the week of Rosh Hashanah. The High Holy Days begin this year close to the same day that we remember as the moment the world changed forever&in the sorrow of 9-11.There will be thousands of ar...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 05:12:00 PST

a new up date on williams

hers anuther williams video frum nbc
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:13:00 PST

Check out this video: williams syndrome

Check out this video: williams syndrome Add to My Profile | More Videosthisa is what i have id love to anser aney qwestions im a christian i knowe jesus wil heal me...
Posted by littlgriz aka christina on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:11:00 PST