sven profile picture


TaugeNichtseTanzveranstaltungen-Deadbeat Concerts

About Me

33 Years of Age, Father of a beloved almost nine Year old Daughter, living on a cowfarm five Kilometers out of Regensburg.. doin Concertbooking, DTP-Layout , DIY-Projects (Neudorf, squatted Farm........Hüttenschänke, independent venue from 2000-2003, Jahninselfest Open Air, Regensburg...). check Out : and for upcoming shows, discussions, Videos, pics & Infos.

My Interests

D.I.Y. Concerts & organisation - Music - Biking - Diving- Travelling -


Huettenschaenke- a brief history in concerts:(2000-2003) Static 84,BoySetsFire,Care don´t cure - MuffPotter, Lvmen, Weakerthans - Cartels, Cosmonks, Nitrominds, Bambix, Windfall - KickJoneses,Einleben,Fluchtreaktion - Texta, A.N.S., Waiszbrodh - Sunshine, RenoKid, Elliott - Landmine Spring - Only if you call me Jonathan, Stand Against - Robocop Kraus, Realign, Driftnet - Petrograd, Amdi Petersens Armé, Acheborn - Juno,Flamingo Massacres,Eradicate - The Cellophane Suckers,rReady killerwatt,The blasted bombs - Die Tornados ,Crazy Candydates - Pain,The Gruffalos - Rifu ,Overflow,Decon - Manifesto Jukebox, Wasted ,Paranoia keeps crawling -Hochzeit: G+C: Grätenkinder & Robocop Kraus - Rantanplan, Sir Veja - Boxhamsters, Knallkopf, Nafi - Hot Water Music, Leatherface, Muff Potter (D) - Jr. Ewing, Six Less Living - BoySetsFire, Anthem of the century - New Wet Kojak, GNU, Twelve Hour Turn - Scumbag Roads, Pot Belly- Desiderata, Dead for a Minute - Kettcar, The Cherryville - the Oliver Twist - Hochzeit J&S:Hackhoizln+disability jam+Dr.Bison+??? - Useless i.d. & Everrest - Psycho-Path & Realign - Casanova action & Man vs Nature & Flaflas - Division of Laura Lee &The (international) Noise conspiracy - Bloody Mary & Skunk - Count Dracula & Enon & Les Savy Fav - Wesley Willis & die Goldenen Zitronen - Costas Cake House & Creation is Crucifiction & Atom and his package - Fear my thoughts & Catharsis - Dawncor & Darkest Hour - V-Ländser & Less Pain Forever - Boogie Bastards & Steakknife - Eradicate & Kitty Empire & Superhelicopter Ltd. - The Shampoo & Sheshe Lounge - Hookey & Bummer & She-Male Trouble - Shotter & La Fraction - The alleviators & Tchi - Costas Cake House & Yage & Xbxrx - Hotknives & Hard Ons - Sick of Silence & Anti Maniax - Mano Nelson & Mäkkelä Trash Lounge - Metrophon & Song of Zarathustra - Boogie Bastard & La par Force & Boot down the Door & Scrapy & Robocop Kraus - thes möggelst üst & Schleim & der Trick ist zu atmen & Colt - European Translation of.. & Maple - Oil & Mano Nelson & La pàr Force - Casanova Action & Landmine Spring & ANALENA - Driving the Salt & Soophie Nun Squad & Celebrity Roast - Chesty Morgan & All Inclusive - Tough Guy´s Tragedy & Skinny Norris & Petrograd - BENUTS - EUROPEAN TRANSLATION OF... + THE PLAN + NORTH OF AMERICA - CONTRAVENE - DARKEST HOUR + MAJORITY RULE + DEAD BLUE SKY - PRETTY GIRLS MAKE GRAVES +HOGRAISER - TRIAL BY FIRE + MUFF POTTER - GRAF ZAHL + BOXHAMSTERS - DRIVING THE SALT + SHOTTER + STRIKE ANYWHERE - LA PAR FORCE + MILEMARKER - ROBOCOP KRAUS + ATTILA THE STOCKBROOKER + SLEIM + PETROGRAD + SIXTY STORIES + EOF + HUMAN ALERT + KETTCAR - MANIFESTO JUKEBOX + THE PLANE IS ON FIRE - NAILED & POOL - PROPAGANDA AND INFORMATION NETWORK - OMA HANS - MA´S STARS * HOMAGE TO CATALONIA * YAGE - 30000 KOLLEGEN + SCHNELLER AUTOS ORGANISATION * AGAINST ME! (last Show at Huettenschaenke... R.I.P.) Since May 2003 in various Locations (JuZ Weingasse, Jahninsel Regensburg, Alte Maelzerei, Gasthaus zur Linde, SR): Atom and his Package,Boxhamsters, Youth Academy, Driving the Salt, For Stella Ford, Books Lie, European Translation of... Against Me! (again..) , NoMeansNo (finally!) , The WORLD / INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY + SUBROSA FALCON ASSOCIATION + ROMAN S , AGAINST ME! ,Driving the Salt , Jupiter Jones, The Fine Print, Streetlight Manifesto, Jai Alai Savant, The Flesh, This Bike is a pipe Bomb .... to be continued....

My Blog

20.05.: AMSDE-Festival mit Against ME!-Analena-ua.

!996-2006: Zehn Jahre TaugeNichtseTanzveranstaltungen: Am 20. Mai gibts dann als kleines Dankeschn fr alle die uns ber die Jahre begleitet haben ein kleines Festival auf einem teilweise stillgelegten ...
Posted by sven on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 02:26:00 PST

So-Asien 05:erste Unterwassereindruecke: Black Tip Diving , Mae Haad, White Rock

So nach längerer Pause mal wider ein paar Reiseberichte, ich schreib jetzt erstmal was über die letzten drei Wochen in Koh Tao, nachdem sich das Wetter dann doch beruhigt hatte , war zwischen Beach, T...
Posted by sven on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 05:32:00 PST

so-Asien 04: Allgemeines zu Koh Tao/Koh Samui Archipel

so-Asien 04: Allgemeines zu Koh Tao/Koh Samui Archipel So jetzt mal ein paar allgemeine infos zu Koh Tao.Koh Tao ist die kleinste der drei bewohnten Inseln des Koh Samui Archipels im Golf von Thai...
Posted by sven on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 05:27:00 PST

so-asien 03: Tag 4 Koh Tao Ankunft & Lederhosenbikes

4.Tag Koh Tao (Turtle Island) Arrival & Lederhosenbikes...Nach 1, 5 std.Ueberfahrt nach Koh Tao sind wir am sa. in Mae Haad (Hauptort/Anlegestelle) angekommen. Nachdem wir erstmal die Taxidep...
Posted by sven on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 05:25:00 PST

so-asien 02: Tag 3 von Bangkok nach Crumphorn

so-asien 02: Tag 3 von Bangkok nach Crumphorn 3. Tag: Crumphorn Beach, Sued Thailand.Nach knapp 9 std. Fahrt mit dem "VIP" Bus (vip vielleicht fuer Leute unter 170cm Koerpergroesse... was ne hoell...
Posted by sven on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 05:22:00 PST

First Step : Bangkok

Vier Monate Suedost Asien, First Step : Bangkok Bangkok/Khao San Road/ 30.11. !8:00 Uhr Ortszeit So jetzt probieren wir das maL aus: Nach 14 Std. Flug einer Jatlag Nacht sind wir heute quai rich...
Posted by sven on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 12:25:00 PST

opening: why does this blog exist?

Hello! So gonnna try this thing, due to the fact that we (me and Heike) will be on a four Month SE-Asia Travel from November 05  till March 06, i´m setting this up so that people can read where w...
Posted by sven on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 09:11:00 PST