cooking, mountain biking, the lost art of talking shit, being a smartass, watching movies, listening to music, surfing, pissing people off with my politcal and religious views, meeting new and interesting people, drinking beer(how could i have forgotten that one), talking to my friends back home here on myspace, playing guitar and singing, writing songs and short stories and making people laugh at the idiotic things i do
mike ness, willie nelson, johnny cash, maynard james keenan, bradley nowell, chuck pahlanuik, brad neely, edgar allen poe, h.p. lovecraft, tim armstrong, stewie griffin, brian the dog on family guy, richard ashcroft, greg ginn, lou barl
ow, doug marsch, lee ving and countless more
against me!, alkaline trio, a perfect circle, ak1200, aphrodite, anti heros, black flag, bouncing souls, chaos uk, christ on a crutch, crass, cursive, criteria, dead prez, dayglo abortions, descendents, dropkick murphys, dj dieselboy, aggrolites, the slackers, fireball ministry, rhino bucket, fugazi, minor threat, gorilla biscuits, inside out, jawbreaker, naked raygun, pegboy, social distortion, mike ness, supersuckers, eddie spaghetti, operation ivy, rancid, the transplants, wire, screeching weasel, the queers, tom waites, willie nelson, the misfits, samhain, vanilla muffins, zeke, speedealer, the exploited, reagan youth, m.d.c., strungout, johnny cash, propagandhi, the weakerthans, mastodon, the business, subhumans(uk), angelic upstarts, peter and the test tube babies, blatz, waylon jennings, peter tosh, bob marley, nile, against all authority, built to spill, modest mouse, sebadoh, folk implosion, lou barlow, doug marsch, belle and sebastian, death cab for cutie, whiskey daredevils, nashville pussy, nine pound hammer, squarepusher, pulp and the list goes on.... i'd name all the bands i like but that would take up my whole profile
clockwork orange, barry lyndon, fight club, snatch, lock stock and two smoking barrels, layer cake, boondock saints, evil dead 1 & 2, army of darkness, house of 1000 corpses, devil's rejects, zombies, night of the living dead, day of the dead, dawn of the dead(original), supersize me, traces of death, decline of the western civilization:the punk years, another state of mind and many, many more
the simpsons, family guy, american dad, futurama, the boondocks, minoriteam, moral orel, futureweapons, mythbusters, ancient discoveries, anthony bourdain's no reservations, havoc101, weird america, law and order criminal intent and the original, c.s.i.(original), southpark, top chef, iron chef and anything on food network
anything by chuck pahlanuik, neal stephensen, neil gaiman and any vertigo comic
mike ness, willie nelson, johnny cash and eddie spaghetti