To leave planet Earth
upon mission completion.
I'm currently looking for a sound engineer that
loves to do EQ surgery
day in day out
so my crew and I can focus on being 'Artists' and
pump out dem bangers!
Music is like food.
If you eat only one kind of food,
you'll become malnutritioned.
Also, staying away from junk food and 'junk music'
helps to prolong life.
Fight Club
most of the network stuff is garbage,
so we're creating our own:
Media Remix
we're looking for interns,
video editors or web programmers.
Send me a message if ur serious!
"Atlas Shrugged"
"The Alchecmist"
reading list:
1. Bernard McGrane - The Un-TV and the 10 MPH Car.
2. Inge Bell - This Book Is Not Required.
3. Michael Parenti - Make Believe Media, The Politics of Entertainment.
4. Marie Winn - The Plug-in Drug.
5. Ben Bagdikian - Media Monopoly.
6. Jerry Mander - Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television.
7. Joshua Meyrowitz - No Sense of Place, The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior.
8. Marshall McLuhan - The Essential McLuhan.
9. Bill McKibben - The Age of Missing Information.
1. Mortimer Adler - How to Read a Book. - (Powerful aids for your reading
2. Natalie Goldstein - Writing Down the Bones. - and writing skills.)
3. Frederick Pohl - The Space Merchants; The Merchants of War. (Sci-Fi)
4. Judith Williamson - Decoding Advertisements; Consuming Passions.
5. Michael Schudson - Advertising: The Uneasy Persuasion; Discovering the News; Reading the News.
1. My Parents
2. People who self actualize
3. Goshugojin sama