Arkham's security monitors maximum-risk patients via closed-circuitTV.Batons and side-arms are standard for all guards,while orderlies are permitted tasers and pepper-spray.LINE UP LADIES!
Selina Kyle and Harleen Quinnzel...such a shame.
I'd like to meet some of my new patients here,i wanna get to know who they are,and why they are the way they are now.I'd like to search and bring back some old patients here for some treatmen like The Joker,i'd also would like to have a meeting with these Rogues,Riddler,Two-Face,Catwoman,im bringing Catwoman to the ASylum,she needs to be treated there,shes not normal for a femme fatale,Ive quite heard alot about That demon boy,Ras',i need to spend some time with him,and his dother,Talia,im taking both of them to Akham,where they belong,i would like to see Killer Croc and Freeze back here as well,along with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy,they are my patients!