About Me
My parents were very rich and in love. They gave me everything I needed, both emotionally and materially. All life's pleasures were mine. I graduated from school with honors, had friends, and foreign trips. Three years after graduating from college, I headed up my own international company. I was the toast of the markets, with an 'in' to a string of billion-dollar deals. When I was twenty-five my parents died in a boating accident. Mature enough to accept that death was inevitable, I was still badly affected by their loss. While seeking distraction from from that loss, I discovered gambling - and was immediately swept up in a crazy ride. I neglected my business, winning and losing fortunes all over the world. Then one night in a Gotham casino, I was losing big in a high-rollers' game where the Penguin was playing. I gambled everything I owned on the outcome of that game, and lost everything to the Penguin. This is when I saw my eyes in the mirror, boring into me, peeling away the surface layers of wealth and love and happiness to reveal--nothing. There was nothing at all at my center - no reason for being, no motivation, no purpose. I was just a robot, sleepwalking from one distraction to another. I looked around and it was as if a veil had been lifted. Everybody was the same - running fast, lying, cheating - all to cover up the big nothing at their centers: zombies, driven by the desires of the flesh and fears of the psyche. Jaded, I attempted to kill myself by hanging myself while jumping from the Gotham Bridge. Just as I was about to leap, an old mugger approached me and, pulling out a knife, attempted to rob me before I killed myself. Instinctively grabbing the knife, I turned on the mugger and looked into his eyes. I saw nothing there. Only a subhuman robot, driven by his desires. In an instant I knew how to reclaim myself. I thanked the mugger for restoring life to me, and returned the favor by "saving him from his own emptiness", by brutally stabbing and killing the man. I felt like a god. I knew that I would kill again. I had found my calling, to help poor beasts shuffle off this mortal coil. I needed some way to remind myself that I too am only human, and made the first of many self-inflicted cuts to my body. I keep score of how many I've killed. Every time I take a life, I scar my own body with the same knife.