About me: From the deepest reaches of outer space, hailing from the planet 'Future', the Psycho Cyborgs came to Earth to spread the true vision of the future. Do you see the future?...then join our Cyborg Army. We are Cyber Punks incarnation. The evil capitalist government of ‘Future’ was over thrown in a fierce battle many years ago by the radical new government of today. The Cyborg Army of the old regime were re-programmed to spread initially amongst the home world the New Vision. This new vision encouraged and rewarded individuality, lateral thinking and peaceful acceptance of all other inhabitants. Having successfully established the New Vision on Future, the government looked to other planets. Earth, with its oppressive culture and constant suppression of individuality, screamed out for help. A highly trained group of Cyborgs were dispatched on a mission that aims to spread individual freedom, release people from their fears, and open minds. With dangerous leaders like Bush and Blair, the Cyborgs keep their mission undercover. Masquerading as performance artists to avoid confrontation and any possible ramifications.
Samppa Von Cyborg
Baawo Bee
MANAGER: Candice