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My Interests

US weekly and dog the bounty hunter

I'd like to meet:

NYLON TV + BUMBLE AND BUMBLE LAUNCH:I'm in there somewhere...The Best Music Video Ever.
Justice - DVNO [NEW]
Uploaded by PeteRock the piper son...the piperman, i love tupac.Dustin Interviews the Cold War Kids!!and Chromeo!?!?!?Matt&Kim too!?!?!...dustin you are ama-zingWeird Al DUH!!...and Andre 3000!! Yah!.. width="425" height="350" ....


go fuck yourself.....music is for self-conscious pussies.


at close range, they live, berry gordy's the last dragon, return of the living dead,house party,out for justice, the running man, the king of comedy, nightmare on elm street 3 the dream warriors, friday the 13th part 4 the final chapter, evil dead 2 dead by dawn, wonder boy's,road house,moonwalker,the thing, escape from new york, used cars,battle royal, dead or alive, boiling point (kitano), halloween 2(no fucking around!!!!) slc punk, mean streets,white water summer,JFK,mondo trasho,repo man,wild at heart, kickboxer and bloodsport written by frank dux and who the fuck knows else. if their is any girl out there that finds this movie list 'hot' come join me in my room where VHS tapes of all these movies await your every geeky random need.


the bill hicks channel..24 hours a day, go ahead and cleanse your conditioning.


i'm jewish...therefore i have no need for extra knowledge.



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