Jorvik Vikingr profile picture

Jorvik Vikingr


About Me

Jorvik Vikingr, oathsworn brothers, one unto the other. Seasoned farfarers, borne of the Whale road, drawn from all quarters of the harsh lands to the North. Keener for wordfame, feeding the eagle amid swordsong, to seek the caress of the Valkyrie and be bidden warm welcome to the feasting, in the hall of Valholl.

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My Interests

Jorvik Vikingr's areas of interest are exploring our common European heritage of Germanic culture, with emphasis on the Migration period and Viking age. Our presentations consist of interpretations of Living History Craft demonstrations and Combat displays. Whilst we strive to achieve a high standard of authenticity within the constraints of present knowledge, Our passion runs deeper than the dry bones of academic pursuit, bringing us into touch with the heroic code and romance of a people deeply enamoured of their own myth.

I'd like to meet:

Folk who enjoy a hard day on the field of combat and who know how to have a chilled out evening round the campfire. No Ubergeeks!!! thank you. Bring plenty of Ale,(Mead, Vodka, Rum, etc.)and Black Pudding or Blood Sausage, mmmm.

Jorvik Vikingr are a living history society and as such are apolitical and non denominational.We do not support any organised faith or support any individual political ideology. Therefore any views or opinions expressed by our myspace friends are not necesserally those of Jorvik Vikingr.

'Harp Song of the Dane Women'
What is a woman that you forsake her And the hearth-Fire and the home acre. To go with the old gray Widow-maker?
She has no house to lay a guest in But one chill bed for all to rest in, That the pale suns and the stray bergs nest in.
She has no strong white arms to fold you, But the ten-times-fingering weed to hold you Out on the rocks where the tide has rolled you.
Yet, when the signs of summer thicken, And the ice breaks, and the birch-buds quicken, Yearly you turn from our side, and sicken
Sicken again for the shouts and the slaughters. You steal away to the lapping waters, And look at your ship in her winter-quarters.
You forget our mirth, and the talk at the tables, The kine in the shed and the horse in the stables To pitch her sides and go over the cables.
Then you drive out where the storm-clouds swallow, And the sound of your oar-blades, falling hollow, Is all we have left through the months to follow.
Ah, what is Woman that you forsake her, And the hearth-fire and the home acre, To go with the old grey Widow-maker?

Rudyard Kipling




Enjoy period fiction? Here are a few book titles that you may enjoy.
The Long Ships, by Frans G. Bengtsson
Rhinegold, by Stephen Grundy
The Golden Warrior, by Hope Muntz
Byzantium, by Stephen Lawhead
Vinland, by George Mackay Brown
Housecarl, by Laurence J. Brown
Thunder God, by Paul Watkins
The Whale Road, by Robert Low
The Wolf Sea, by Robert Low
Lords of the North, (The Saxon Chronicles Series), by Bernard Cornwell
Sword Song,(The Saxon Chronicles Series), by Bernard Cornwell
The Pale Horseman, (The Saxon Chronicles Series),by Bernard Cornwell
Odinn's Child, (Viking Trilogy), by Tim Severin
Sworn Brother, (Viking Trilogy), by Tim Severin
King's Man, (Viking Trilogy), by Tim Severin
If you are going to pick just one, make it Rhinegold!


Here are links to craftsmen, artisans and traders we hold in esteem for their skill and integrity.
Patrick Barta (Probably the finest swordsmith of his generation).
Grzegorz Kulig (Superior museum quality Helmets,etc.
Alban Depper (Finely cast find reproductions)
Holger Ratsdorf (Quality period reproductions)
Hilde and Stig, (Norwegian/Swedish Fine Silversmiths)
George Easton (Quality period reproductions)
Tim Noyes (Quality period Arms and Armour)
Paul Binns (Quality period Arms)
Pavel Neumann (Quality period Arms).
Ana (Quality period footwear).
John Watson (Quality basic shields and footwear).
Anwar Ali (Purveyor of Fine range of Linen and Wool fabrics)
rudis kuenstlerwerkstatt (Hand forged shield bosses)
German re-enactment supplier of quality goods, in Deustch
Markus Neidhardt (Quality reproductions of Jewellery and castings)
Here are links to Friends, Allies and other Groups and Organisations that we hold in esteem for their presentation and commitment to their chosen period.
Regia Anglorum, (Late Saxon and Viking Age re-enactment society).
The Jomsvikings,(International Viking Age re-enactment society).
The Jomsborg Vikings Hird, (Polish Slav/Viking Age re-enactment society).
The Vikings, (Viking, Saxon and Norman re-enactment society).
Winland, (Polish Slav/Viking re-enactment society).
Ulfhednar, (German,Polish,English, Germanic re-enactment society).
Ulfhednir, (Danish re-enactment society).
Les Ambiani, (French Gallic Celt re-enactment society).
Collegium Gladitorium, (Hungarian, Roman Gladiatorial Combat society).
Comitatus,(Late Roman, Germanic and Romano-British Re-enactment society).
The Abini Household, (Anglo-Norman Living History 1066-1307).
Conquest, (Society of Anglo-Norman Living History).
Borre Vikinglag (Norwegian Re-enactment group)
Here are some links to Museums, Festivals and general recources that we value for their work.
Jorvik Viking Centre and York Archeological Trust. (Host of the Jorvik Viking Festival).
Vestfold Viking Festival, Norway.
West Stow, (Reconstructed Anglo-Saxon Village in Suffolk).
Sutton Hoo, ( Anglo-Saxon royal burial site and exhibition). ace/w-suttonhoo/
Festival International d'Histoire Vivante - Marle 2008 festival-histoire-vivante-2008.htm
The Viking ship museum in Roskilde, Denmark.
Longship Gaia,(Norwegian, Gokstad replica longship).
More soon.....