RPGs. AD&D second edition, Rifts, Shadowrun, Runequest (my version) TA video game, Dungeon Seige and Dungeon Seige II Art: painting landscapes, looking at fantasy art, especially cats and dragons and i write bad poetry. I also write sci-fi and fantasy. You can read some of it here: http://www.authorsden.com/jdcollins Hobbies: woodworking and watching the grand kid grow.
Someone who would give me the winning numbers to the lotto... :-)
Everything but Opera and Rap,,, although I do like some of the Latin Rap groups. Greenday, The Bloodhound Gang, Rob Zombie, Rammstein Hank Williams jr and sr. Thalia, La Ley, Natashia, Shakira, and others. zhttp://www.blastro.com/player/paulinarubioniunasolapalabra. html
Groundhog Day
all the CSI's TLC and Discovery Mythbusters
I read: Mysteries, westerns, sci-fi, fantasy and romance. (Yes romance, live with it.)Currently my favorite authors are John Ringo, Ed Howdershelt and David Weber.