DEFCON-3D profile picture



About Me

-- --
Add " S.O.S. " (my music link, in the making of)
(since 1998 or long before)
How the DEFCON (Defense Condition) system works:
5. Absolute peace.
4. Maintaining usual procedure of safety
3. Severe agitation and/or worsening of condition
2. Prepare for BATTLE!!!!!
1. Global Thermal Nuclear War
*Just a warning, not a threat, as of now, I'm not able to deal with too many issues related to pressure, complaints, stress, negation, etc. I have my own problems. And as of right now, they will never make sense since it's way too darn much to explain such lengthy but severely necessary content/detail. But I'm doing a somewhat half+half good job at pretending everything is fine. And things I say, wont be very coherent as of now.
(this goes to everyone, not just anyone specific, this is for all, all, all) In order to handle me properly:
1.) Don't lie to me at all, PERIOD. Not even small lies, or one day when you least suspect it, I will call you out on what you once said, and make you follow-through with your particular claim. I warn you I have an ability to accidentally memorize anything without even trying. I've been known to accurately rehearse dialog from as far back as my Kindergarten era.(call my bluff)
2.) Don't be selfish around me. Or I will be forced to catch-up on myself, because I've got a ton of catching up to do, with my self. If your goals are about YOU, go your own way. Or you can PAY ME $$$$$ for my time???
3.) Understand, I am a human, as much as I disassociate with common/typical/usual/predictable ways, I break down too. Like a machine, they also break down and need repair.
4.) Understand I am very unpredictable... it takes too long to get inside my head, at least accurately, you will be exhausted by the time you reach the center of the earth. Please don't question me further, unless you have the time to listen, and I meant TIME(patience). Otherwise, talk is cheap and I'm not telling you a damn thing on my mind.
5.) Don't display any violent actions towards me at all. Don't attack me, don't even think about it. The attacker always has the disadvantage, because once they've opened their guard to strike, they immediately left exposed their VITAL points, thus endangering themselves into severe condition. Just for your safety, learn about martial arts and just how precise this biological science really is. I'm not physically afraid of any single person on the planet.
This goes only to my inbox:

My Interests

I eat grave bricks with my teeth, like it were cereal, tombstone crunch. It can be done. Oh I'm sorry, you were reading this part... back on topic...Anyhow.... I like to take hikes through steep wooded trails up high in Canadian wilderness & mountains, with Lisa Lougheed's hit song "You Can Run With Us" playing on my cassette tape walkman. She's right in those lyrics, they have everything I need. Because that song is about the woods and all, with a sense of modern electronics convenience juxtapositioning within, so is the music video as seen/found on youtube.

I'd like to meet:



This is a hard one...... Where do I start? ....I don't have time to listen to anthing other than my own material, plus it seems lately, that it's all I prefer to hear. But I did like to get into allot of good old classics, classical Baroque music, & certain things from whenever.... I'm not very modern, nor would appreciate "new" "nu" or "current" ....but that will change as soon as I'm there, ...meaning being a part of it!



  • A Shot In The Dark (1964)
  • The Pink Panther ('64,'74,'78) (sequals w/Peter Sellers)
  • ...
  • Logan's Run (1976)
  • Tron (1982)
  • Red Dawn (1984)
  • My Science Project (1985)
  • Breakin' 1+2 (1984)
  • WarGames (1983)
  • Flight Of The Navigator (1986)
  • Cloak & Dagger (1984)
  • ....
  • The Fall Of The House Of Usher (1960)
  • Haunted Palace (1962)
  • House On Haunted Hill (1959)
  • Last Man On Earth (1959)
  • Garfeild's Halloween Adventure (1985)
  • Fantasia (1942) "Night On Bald Mt"
  • The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow (1949)
  • All Dogs Go To Heaven (1989) Hell?
  • The Gate (1987)
  • Dracula (1931)
  • Frankenstein (1931)
  • Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
  • Ghostbusters 1+2 (1984/89)
  • Nightmare On Elm St (1984)
  • ....
  • Willow (1988)
  • The Sword In The Stone (1963)
  • Excalibur (1981)
  • Red Sonja (1985)
  • (cartoon'85/86) Ewoks & Droids
  • (cartoon'89) The Legend Of Zelda (original)
  • (cartoon'86/87/88) The Real Ghostbusters
  • Labyrinth (1986)
  • ...
  • The Crimson Pirate (1952)
  • The Swashbuckler" (1976)
  • Treasure Island (1971)
  • ...
  • The Octagon (1980)
  • Ninja 3, The Domination (1984)
  • American Ninja (1987)
  • Chinese Super Ninjas ('82) (ignore it's title, try)
  • The Last Dragon (1985)
  • ....
  • Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
  • The Goonies (1985)
  • Bill & Ted' 1+2 ('89,'91) Back To The Future 1,2,3 (85,89,90)
  • Young Guns 1+2 ('88,'90)
  • Indiana Jones 1+2+3 ('81,84,89)
  • ...
  • Macross, Clash Of The Bionoids ('84)
  • Tranformers, The Movie ('86) (& the series)

  • Too much to list...
    Here's Meshes in The Afternoon to take a gander at. That old film has been haunting me since 1997...


    Disney's Halloween Treat
    Ajax Ghost Exterminators
    The Skeleton Dance
    The Haunted House (original)
    Egyptian Mummies
    Night On Bald Mountain
    Sleepy Hollow
    Sleepy Hollow - Brambone's song (sorry it's in Spanish, all I could find)
    Sleepy Hollow - other songs (at least in english)
    Scarecrow Of Romney Marsh (Trailer) Dr. Syn
    Scarecrow (version-2)
    I kid you not, these all have extreme quality if you watch them all carefully. Satisfaction guaranteed!
    So far, my favorite thing to watch on TV, is MY SIDE-YARD, surveillance-cameras are wired to my Monitors, my favorite view is the driveway! I didn't just make a joke.Not really a couch-potato....

  • "Danny Phantom" (Nick)
  • "BIG WOLF ON CAMPUS" (Fox-Family-Channel)
  • "Back To The Blue Print" (History-Channel)
  • "Wild West Tech"(Hist)
  • "Conquest, w/Peter-Woodward"(Hist)
  • "Mail-Call"(Hist)
  • "Survivorman" (Science)
  • ....
  • "Airwolf" (TV-Land)
  • "Knight-Rider"(USA)
  • "A-Team"
  • "MacGyver"
  • "Murder She Wrote" (A&E)
  • "SpyNet" (CBC)
  • "TIGER SHARKS" (KCOP Los Angelas '88)
  • "Freddy's Nightmares" ('88?)
  • "MY PET MONSTER" ('86)
  • "THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS" ('86,'87,'88)
  • "EWOKS & DROIDS Adventure Hour" ('85-86)
  • "ROBOTECH"('85)
  • "13 GHOSTS OF SCOOBIE DOO" ('85)
  • "LEGEND OF ZELDA" ('89)

  • .....TV is good for education now.........
  • Wizards & Warriors 1987 RareCoin Acclaim
  • Necromancer 1982 Synapse
  • Archon I & II 1981 FreeFall
  • Legend Of Zelda 1986
  • CastleVania 1987
  • Athena 1987 SNK
  • Battle Of Olympus 198?
  • Cadash 1989 Taito
  • Ghouls N Ghosts 1989
  • Ghosts & Goblins 1986

  • Big Wolf On Campus (episode)
    BWOC (episode)
    BWOC (episode)
    BWOC (episode)


    I have a lengthy library of books, I read many, & I refer to them as references. I couldn't list everthing I have or read. I study/studied mythology, theology, ancient history, martial arts, music theory, math, psychology, language alphabets, electronics, health/herbs, fine art, etc...

    My weak points of study, are such things I want to brush up on more, such as poetry literature, physics, & mechanical engineering.

    I bother people by talking their ears off. I don't know when to shut up. I wish I was normal and could get into football or something like the average regular people, but I just can't, I tried.


    Sebastian Spence
    Danny Smith
    Brandon Quinn
    Robert Patrick
    Les Stroud

    James Arnes
    Vincent Price

    My Blog

    [] HAIN SEASON +Older blog... (9-23-06) update:11/23

    Finally off... I'm still recording, editing, and doing music, not just for myself, not just for the world etc, results for all my projects might look like nothing happened yet, but that's because you'...
    Posted by DEFCON-3D on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 08:19:00 PST

    [] DON'T BASTARDIZE US...... 12-16-05

    I am IRISH.... You might not know what that means at all, until I tell you.... so forget everything you thought "Irish" was.My Ancestors were of Pagan -Tribes, one of the most influential of all......
    Posted by DEFCON-3D on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 08:51:00 PST

    [] HALLOWEEN 2005 was done well. 11-02-05

    Where do I start?  I have been too busy to post it all, here goes....  October 30th, I was at "Becker Farms" at the Festival, I went around in my costume, having it videotaped by two great m...
    Posted by DEFCON-3D on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 12:14:00 PST

    [] A Horror Movie takes place in backyard...10-14-05

    Today, earlier, I swear, straight out of a dream... I forgot how each spring-summer when I sow my produce, I must have dropped seeds in areas I didn't plan for....So I almost tripped over a shell-lik...
    Posted by DEFCON-3D on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 05:49:00 PST

    [] My Music Genre (9-13-05)

    Yeah so, I'm a musician, not "another musician" ...I'm an "Etheric" style rocker, creating a genre called "Ghost-Rock" ...It's about the Supernatural & the studies of it, related to life in everyo...
    Posted by DEFCON-3D on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 09:56:00 PST