♥jes profile picture


When they ask me what I liked best, I'll tell them it was you.

About Me

Hello! My name's Jessica (known as Jes, Jess, jessika - lots of different ways to say the same name i suppose) I'm 22 years old... born in SanDiego, California - but raised in Buffalo NY mostly. I'm honest as hell, funny as shit, super quirky, and totally a sweetie with a strong personality. Know this, I (like every man & woman) am a person, and more than just a pretty face... so if you want to talk to me ACTUALLY TALK TO ME. Talk to me about anything, the weather, your hopes, your favorite hockey team, or your crappy job, even the shirt you just bought! But don't just talk to me like i'm some pretty face and that's it - there's more to people then their looks, and i appreciate people who realize this. As far as my dating status goes, i'm taken & engaged - by/to a very wonderful man. So i'm only on here for friendship & to come in contact with some interesting people.
I Love You Don!
I can guarantee you you'll never meet anyone like me again. I'm an extremely intense person - i feel everything to the extreme and I try to see it in a positive way, because i always feel very well, alive. I lead a pretty unusual lifestyle compared to most 20-somethings. I don't have a job and i'm not in school. There are reasons for both - but i'm not just going to spill my heart out on a myspace page! The fact that i'm not in school and i don't work doesn't mean i'm not motivated, just means that i'm still finding my way in life. I might go to school someday though - who knows. It also doesn't mean i'm not very intelligent, but hey - i'm not here to talk about how much of a genius i am either :) haha. I always grew up wanting to be the "girl next door" type... but I guess i'm not. I've always been the off-beat, different, very intense and passionate girl that was sort of just known, or unknown rather. Or maybe deep down I am the girl next door type, but life itself shaped me slightly differently over the years. I write a lot... mostly autobigraphical stuff (sometimes it's the only way to remember true details of things i cannot allow myself to forget). I love my work even if i don't get paid for it... and even if i never will get paid for it. There's great freedom in doing what you love and not what everyone else suggests.
I'm very quirky. I've come to realize this over the years after meeting many many people. I wear glasses. I don't think most people get me, and maybe that's just a state of mind. I've met a few people who I think really got me... but most of them drifted away. But I'm really extremely nice and easy to talk to. I also know what i want and don't take crap from anyone, myself included. I'm a very honest person, so don't ask me a question you don't want an honest answer to. I'm pretty opinionated, but also usually open-minded to others opinions. I'm very artistic - definitely the artsy type. I guess i'm pretty musical too - if you count the laundry list of instruments i've taken up in my life. There's been piano, keyboard, guitar (both electric and acoustic), clarinet and violin. I can't remember how to play any of them anymore though, so it's pretty much useless info now. I liked playing violin the best, for the record.
In high school i was forever in the art room and had some pretty good friends whom i was absolutely nothing like. But still - good friends. I'm not into drugs (meaning i'm not into recreational use of drugs, prescribed ones are fine of course)... never really have been. I used to drink too much, but that's about it, and even that was more complicated than i want to get into. I've been called a loner, and i don't mind it. I've been through more in life than you'd guess from just seeing me - so i'm a good person to talk to if you're going through anything. I love helping other people (as trite as that sounds)... if what i've been through can benefit anyone even just a little bit, i'm up for it. My somewhat troubled past has gotten me where i am today, so i'm thankful in a weird way. Well, now that i've gone on and on about myself - if ya have any questions - ask me or say hi!
If you don't like seeing me post totally random bulletins just don't add me! Don't add me and then bitch about it to me - on myspace you do always have the oh so lovely option of deleting someone and losing a number off your friend count! I don't mean random bulletins such as "add so and so" - i don't post those. I just mean random bulletins saying hi and talking about my day when i'm bored. Also I won't add you if you're SUPER young or way way older than me just because it doesn't make me feel comfortable, no offense is ever meant by it! And if your profile is kept private and I can't at least look to see if you're a real person or a bot then I won't add you either! I HATE SPAMMERS & those fake girls with cams!! And one last thing, if you have absolutely NOTHING written about yourself or have no pics what-so-ever, i probably won't add you because i'll have no clue who i'm even adding.
GO SABRES! Yes, they rule!
You Are Midnight
You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.
Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.
Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.
You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends. What Time Of Day Are You?
You Should Be A Poet
You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.
And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...
Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.
You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem. What Type of Writer Should You Be?
[♥] I love my mother [♥] my Fiance [♥] peanut butter [♥] rainy days [♥] cruising in the jeep w/ the top down [♥] rock & roll [♥] people with a good sense of humor [♥] people that get when i'm being saracastic [♥] red lobster [♥] dogs [♥] cats [♥] going to the zoo [♥] movies that actually make me think [♥] Spot Coffee [♥] The Beatles [♥] the beach [♥] swimming [♥] pumpkin pie [♥] the 4th of July [♥] totally random conversations [♥] totally random people [♥] hockey (GO SABRES!)[♥] people that don't follow trends [♥] people that actually manage to stay unique in this world [♥] my friends from childhood/high school that are actually still around [♥] laying in bed for hours with the love of my life (even if we're only watching tv) [♥] thinking about my wedding! [♥] lilacs [♥] conversations that can be meaningful one second and totally stupid the next [♥] the time of the day when Don gets home [♥] redecorating [♥] aquariums [♥] family guy [&hearts] people who can quote family guy for a good half hour with me (a.k.a. my wonderful fiancee hehe) [♥] long drives [♥] car shows [♥] the good times i had during my childhood [♥] the good times i had in high school [♥] the good times i'll have today [♥] the good times to follow (and there will be many with the people i love by my side) [♥]....
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is high.
You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.
And in return, you expect the same from who you love.
Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!
Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is low.
This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..
It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.
In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together. The Five Variable Love Test
Roses + Music = Love
**Basic - About Me**:
About Me!
Name Jessica
Age 22
Date Of Birth Jan 25, 1985
Height 5' 5"
Hometown Born in San Diego, Cali
Current Location Lived in suburbs around Buffalo, NY most of my life
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Right/Left Handed Right
Tattoos None
Piercings Ears
Do You Sing In the car everyday!
Do You Play Am Instrument I've played piano, guitar, violin & clarinet
Favourite Colour Red, bright pink & black
Favourite Sports Team Buffalo SABRES!!
Favourite Kind Of Music Indie/Acoustic
Favorite Song Honestly don't have 1 favorite, i love music
Favourite Season Spring
Favourite Subject When You Were At School Psychology
Last Film You See "Zodiac"
Last Book You Read "Ring", by Koji Suzuki
Last Thing You Said "See ya later"
Last Thing You Ate Ice cream last night
Last Person To Call You Mom
Last Person To Text You Don
Last Person You Texted Don
What Are You Listening To At The Moment I'm watching the discovery channel
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

My Interests

These are my Myspace buddies! & they RULE! Well, other than that one pic... that one's me lol. And oh yeah! You don't need to be invited, if ya visit my page - add yourself to my slideshow. You can never have too many buddies. ALSO YOU DON'T NEED TO GIVE YOUR EMAIL!

"The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return"

Don't Cry Out

Your Values Profile

You value loyalty highly.
You're completely devoted to your friends and family.
Even if they totally screw up, you're still there for them.
Just make sure they're equally loyal to you!


You value honesty a fair amount.
You're honest when you can be, but you aren't a stickler for it.
If a little white lie will make a situation more comfortable, you'll go for it.
In the end, you mostly care about "situational integrity."


You value generosity a fair amount.
You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take.
Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need.
But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"!


You value humility a fair amount.
You tend to be an easy going, humble person.
But occasionally your ego takes over.
You have a slight competitive streak - and the need to be the best.


You value tolerance highly.
Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...
You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.
You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them. The Five Factor Values Test

Looks are Irrelevant. How many of you know what's behind these eyes?

You Are an Orange Rose
You represent desire and enthusiasm

Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar

Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride What Color Rose Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet? I'd like to meet you, if you rock. lol. Or at least talk to you.
Since i'm obviously in a relationship, i'm really only looking for people who are somewhat interesting to just talk to on here. Plain and simple as that. If you want someone to actually talk to, feel free to say hi and add me as a friend. Only add me if you're actually going to TALK TO ME OCCASIONALLY!!! got it? good :]

Sketch Of Me (one of my pics on here) Done By My Friend, Paul!
You Can Find Him Here: [email protected] or www.myspace.com/taurus43083

What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is all about change, but in very small steps. The end of the journey looks far, but it's much closer than you realize.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust. Inside the Room of Your Soul

Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style?

Sketch Of Me Done by My Awesome Friend, G!!

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Comment Me.


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Love the Stones!

I ♥ Blue October

Her Music is such an Inspiration!

My Fav Soundtrack!


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Such A Wonderful Movie

Love this One

This movie gets to me everytime

Gotta Love The Jackass Guys! ♥

Fight Club: One Kickass Film!


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I'm addicted to this show

Gotta Love Family Guy


You can always find me with my head buried in some psychology book, so that's always a pretty reliably truthful answer. I love psychology and there are a lot of areas that fascinate me, so i have a great deal of books. I also like horror/scary novels, when I want something that's more straight-up entertaining. Currently reading Koji Suzuki's "Ring"... and a few others. I always am reading at least 3 at a time, maybe that's why it takes me so long to get through one haha.


I don't idolize anyone really to be honest. We are all human and we are all flawed in a way that can be beautiful because it's what makes us human and individuals. But if there's anyone who deserves admiration it's my mother, she managed to raise me to be the person that I am today. I think all truly good parents are due a little bit of credit :]
I also have to mention my fiance, Don. He's such a wonderful person and he helps me through all of my wonderful ups and my dark downs. He's funny, smart, interesting and manages to stay unique in this world - which is a feat in and of itself. I LOVE YOU DON!!
X o X o

My Blog

Things To Never Forget

I've never been one to tell anyone how to live their life. Lord only knows enough people have tried to give me advice on how to live mine, and some I took to heart and some I ignored. Some of the advi...
Posted by ♥jes on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:30:00 PST

The light in all my darkness

Every night i drive down cold roads to reach my destination. My car windows fog up slightly, blurring my already slightly flawed vision. No one else is out on these roads... and i don't mind that anym...
Posted by ♥jes on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 08:53:00 PST

Becoming Who We Are

I've got news for everyone. People will hurt you... terribly. Someone that you consider to be your best friend will at one point or another, completely screw you over. Life will never be fair. Good th...
Posted by ♥jes on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 08:09:00 PST