This info is part of an article written by Quinee Butler, if you want to read the whole article please go to her website, I will later post the article on the blog
Every since fans heard 'Mirame,' from Luny Tunes "Mas Flow 2" album, people have been wondering just who the singer who calls herself Deevani really is. The hit single, 'Mirame' featured the vocals stylings of Daddy Yankee and Deevani, and thrusted her into the limelight. Many people automatically assumed she was a new artist straight from India because of the masterful way she sings in Hindi. Rumors have been floating around for over a year now, and will now put those rumors to rest.
Many people assumed that Deevani was born in India; however that is far from the truth. Deevani was born Adalgisa I. Saldana in the Dominican Republic and was raised in Carolina, Puerto Rico. She is the sister of Luny from the famous duo Luny Tunes and The CEO of Mas Flow. But, just how did she end up working with her younger brother? "I graduated with an MBA degree in finance," Deevani told in an exclusive first time interview. "I was working in the field of finance in NY when Luny asked me to work with the company.
For Deevani, her expertise in finance easily can explain how Luny would think to make his sister a part of his company, but the confusion for fans does not stop there. They still cannot figure out how she went from specializing in finance and becoming CEO of Mas Flow Incorporated, to something even bigger, an unlikely Reggaeton superstar. "There is a song that I sang to Luny many years ago, and the song is called Deewana, Deewana," the singer told This set the seeds of creativity flowing in Luny's mind. He would later return to the memory of the song his sister sang to him and ask her to collaborate on a song we now know as "Mirame". "When I did 'Mirame' Luny said well I think we should call you Deewana and I said no because that is a word for a guy. He asked me what the word for a woman was and I said "Deevani" so that is the name Luny chose for me." Deevani happens to mean crazy girl , which fits perfectly since her brother’s name is “Lunyâ€.
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