Any aging rich kids of high birth and low aspirations... lots of 'em!
Hey! Check out Ian and Micko here from Oz... these blokes always have an axe to grind... be it a Fender, Gibson, Vintage Kay, or something lovingly hand-fashioned out of Malaysian driftwood... these cats know Guitars, Man! Click on their beamin' kissers to be whisked away to their homepage.
This is what happens when you miss a weekend road-trip with your filmmaker chums because;
A) you have quit drinking
B) you have the flu
C) you have kids
Thanks most kindly for making this vid, Lads! It can't quite replace being there with you demented pack of idiots... but still... too cool, ya bunch of reprobates!
Sheesh! Ya turn your back on friends with a camera... even for just a moment...