Member Since: 7/27/2004
Band Website: Ardis " Ardis
Band Members: Words Myth
Madamn Buttafly
Madamn Buttafly otherwise known as Rachel Figueroa is the sweet sweet vocalist behind the words. She's a Latina Jewish poet/singer looking to be a star. Born and raised in a state of utter confusion she has taken her creative drive to the next level and is working on various solo projects while bringing up the rear of this musical group. Her conservative views and colorful philosopy are often at odds with the main contender, Words Myth.
Rachel is always looking to collaborate with various artists especially those that are willing to take her Bob Dylan-esque lyrics seriously, and work to book shows and get the music out there. It's all about the music people. Those wishing to collaborate with Rachel should email her at Rachel@Gmail .
Van Veen
Words Myth's Influences are
Musically: Beastie Boys, WuTang, Rives and every Def Poet, Mos Def, Busta Rhymes, Eminem, Mars Black, Radiohead,.
Politically: Jon Stewart and the Daily Show Crew, Bill Clinton (for being honest...kinda), Karl Marx, Kung Fu Tzu, Ben Gurion, Penn & Teller.
Philosophically and otherwise: Aquinas, Buddha, Kung Fu Tzu (Confucius), Sun Tzu, Luzzato, Huxley, Poe, Vonnegut, Hawkins, Hughes.
Rachel's Influences are
Musically:Andrea Bocelli, Grateful Dead, Run DMC, Aerosmith, Guiseppi Verdi, Placido Domingo... I would chop off my right arm for placido domingo, underappreciated, Bob Dylan....if i had a dick i would sever it for dylan, Pink Floyd, John Ashcroft....Let the Eeeeeeeeeeeeaglee soooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr!
Lyrically:Sylvia Plath, Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Blue Oyster Cult, Madonna, No Doubt, Ringo Star, e.e. cummings, Jack Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg
Politically:Fidel Castro, Ernesto Guevara, Jon stewart and the Daily Show gang, Senator Lieberman, Mayor Giuliani, Strom Thurman (for the all time greatest fillibuster ever!), Bill Maher, Penn and Teller.
Philisophically or otherwise:Voltaire, Hugh Hefner, Bono, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, Krishna, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain.
Van Veen's Influences are
Musically:Citizen King, Soul Coughing, Mars Black, Radiohead, Danger Mouse.
Politically:Philosophically and otherwise:Nabokov, The people at Nintendo.
Sounds Like: Sarah Brighman meets Run DMC and kicks ass
Record Label: Ardis Records
Type of Label: Indie