LANDSCAPE profile picture


Slow down...

About Me

LANDSCAPE "With a little help from My friends", 2007 ( square dogs / differ-ant / cod&s ).
Avec la participation de Syd Matters, Arman Melies, Nicolas Leroux (Overhead) et Benoit Guivarch (Carp).
"Ceux pour qui la musique est autre chose qu'un accessoire de mode trouveront dans les meandres de cet album quelques jolis refuges, quelques plages meditatives ou s'abandonner, loin des tumultes vains, au confort sans prix du spleen moelleux. Merci, les amis."
"Landscape dessine un panorama propice à la rêverie éveillée."
"Avec grâce et douceur, un superbe disque planant."

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- LANDSCAPE "One", 2005 ( square dogs / differ-ant / cod&s )
"Le post rock inspire de Francais fans de Mogwai ou Sigur Ros"
"Landscape livre un disque abrupt et contemplatif, passionnant"
"Cette premiere carte sonore de Landscape en appelle d'autres encore plus belles et desarmantes"
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I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 9/5/2005
Band Website: not anymore
Band Members: Guillaume de Chirac / composer, arranger, vocals, guitars, keyboards
Steffen Charron / acoustic and electric guitars, vocals
Leonard Mule / acoustic and electric guitars, sound engineer (recording studio)
Richard Cousin / bass guitar
Cyril Tronchet / drums
Benoit Guivarch / vocals
Syd Matters / vocals
Arman Melies / vocals
Nicolas Leroux / vocals
Fabien and Celia Boudot / violin and cello
Blaise Margail and Raphael Lemaire / trombones
Olivier Marguerit / flutes
Raphael Ankierman / sound engineer (live)
Alan Charron / Artwork

Influences: Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Portishead, A Silver Mt Zion Orchestra, Mogwai, Godspeed, The Beatles, Tindersticks, The Divine, so, so many others!!!
Sounds Like: Landscape, live at Café de la Danse, december 18th 2008: "Trouble everyday, Tindersticks cover" (Filmed by Juliette Robert)
Landscape, live at Café de la Danse, december 18th 2008: "Born Wild" (Filmed by Juliette Robert)
Landscape, live at Café de la Danse, december 18th 2008: "Slow Down" (Filmed by Juliette Robert)
Record Label: Square Dogs (Fr)/ Differ-ant distribution (Fr)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this event: Radioheads Nude remix by Landscape

Hosted By: LANDSCAPE When: Thursday May 01, 2008 at 7:00 PMWhere: Radiohead’s Nude remix by LandscapeParis, Ile-de-France|147 FranceDescription:LANDSCAPE Click Here To View Event...
Posted by LANDSCAPE on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:36:00 PST