?tu que buscas?
yo busco la parte derecha
there is a war between
la paix n'existe pas
it has been beautiful
it has been beautiful
it has been beautiful
we are sorry for that
he didn't say thank you
just because we are very rich
i see a dark sea
she was a vampire
have you ever touched it???
when you have that kind of experience it
never leaves you
la paix n'existe pas
stephane c is a photographer
2003 / Exhibition « La Belle Echappée », Chez Robert Electron Libre, Paris, France
2003 / Exhibition « La Belle Echappée », Atelier Picassiette, Arles, France
2004-05 / Nice and quiet student at the EFTI school, Madrid, VIVA ESPANA
2006 / Exhibition « Ok », Galerie KBB, Barcelone, Spain
2006 / Exhibition « PhotographieS », Galerie du Château d'Eau, Toulouse, France
2007 / Exhibition « Lucky days », La Tour, Paris, France
2007 / Collective exhibition « Acquisitions », Galerie du Château d’Eau, Toulouse, France
2008 / Collective exhibition «Café de la gare, parcours de la création française», Konice, Czech Republic
2008 / Unconfirmed exhibition project in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
+ slideshow display + projections diaporama
[email protected]
now get ready ready ready i said it's a fight
there is a war between the black and white there is a war