Nothing but a porous orphan kid soaking up this laborious (more or less) best guesses regrets True test of friends, one rope, and both ends. Cutting holes in nice clothes just to have some to mend. Asking more of kind souls than they’re willing to lend, and the role tends to perpetuate itself. Looks like the right light to expose chromosomes, you think its one less, I think its one more than yours. Lulls in the skulls of those we take pride in, cast that aside (shit), until it’s your turn to die kid. I confided in the right likeminded, and am I’m still trying, to be the best Boxxx. Put my mind on the test slot. I’m just an origin of a Dutch Norwegian adoption option. just trying to make shit happen, never witnessed gun clapping. Won’t front like it happened. Razed on religion now I got my own visions. No longer imprisoned by the need for forgiveness, witnessed to the image of a new day risen. Running wild from the vultures, just a product of my own cultures, mixed the blood up, shut up and run it wild style. I want to dance with my fat ass, shout, and get my sharpie out, paper pad, paint cans, its too bad you think that, you could have a say in who I am, God damn that. I will never go along with your scandalous plan of attack. I’m just an art school graduating, no time for hesitation she doesn’t play games cause she don’t have a poker face. Not greedy though just comfortable because, I don’t want more that I can’t ride with, cause I rock my bike like my mom rocks hot dish. M. I. D. W. E. S. T. can’t any body be boxxx like me.Get MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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